
    I see the very helpful and very clever posters here are interested in the outcome of our ‘information night’ on solar power which came and went sometime ago. I apologise if I wasn’t clear on that and thanks again for your interest.

    Almost nobody turned up (3 out of 36 and all on the EC and the Strata Manager) for various reasons not the least of which was timing; the evening of the first day of the school year. This seemed weird as a number of owners have school-age kids. It’s as if they didn’t want too many people to go. I think they are just going to take advantage of owners historical apathy and try and get the numbers to get a Special Resolution through to allow for the infrastructure to be installed—at Owners Corporation expense.

    The things which stuck in my mind were, we need 15 people to make it worthwhile for the installers (which we are highly unlikely to get in my summation). We will need a crane to install the things three floors up. Cost to individual units will be between two and five grand, big variation, depending on how many people get it. Individuals won’t get our money back on it for possibly five years.

    I doubt if non-resident owners (our building is about half owners and half tenants) are interested and I would think most resident owners wouldn’t see themselves still here in five years. 

    There actually was some information about the hardware and, yes, there were a few figures but we are being asked to take a real leap of faith by an EC and Strata Manager who are demonstrably, well, untrustworthy. I confess I didn’t understand anything much except that ‘we might have to pay as much as five grand and I bet it’ll actually be more, AND we won’t get any money back for maybe five years and I bet it’ll actually be longer.

    As I have intimated before the whole thing smells, to me. I think it’s being pushed along by the Chair and the SM.

    I suppose the next step will be that we get more information with the AGM agenda which will presumably have an item for one ‘blanket’ resolution covering installation of the infrastructure.

    Thanks again.