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28/01/2017 at 11:52 pm
steven strata – Proxy details can be found in SSMA 2015 Schedule 1 Part 4 Sections 25 and 26 https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ssma2015242/sch1.html
The number of proxy votes held by the strata manager depends upon the total number of Lots in the scheme.
A proxy cannot be used by a building manager to obtain a financial or material benefit for the proxy holder.
An extract from the strataman site on this issue:
‘Limit on number of proxies held by one person
The total number of proxies that may be held by a person (other than proxies held by the person as the co-owner of a lot) voting on a resolution are as follows:
- ONE proxy if a strata scheme has 20 lots or less
- if the strata scheme has MORE THAN 20 lots, a number equal to NOT MORE THAN 5% of the total number of lots
(IMPORTANT – Any fractions are IGNORED when calculating the 5% – so 2.5 becomes 2 for a 50 lot scheme).
This is the bottom-line: (as per the legislation calculations)
- 2 to 39 lots – 1 proxy (remember to ignore any fractions)
- 40 to 59 lots – 2 proxies
- 60 to 79 lots – 3 proxies
- 80 to 99 lots – 4 proxies
- 100 to 119 lots – 5 proxies
- 120 to 139 lots – 6 proxies
- 140 to 159 lots – 7 proxies’ etc