Paul Ritchie

    I wish people who comment on catastrophes would first get some facts before comparing to other buildings and especially other countries. I am a Civil Engineer and the Chairman of the SC in our complex.

    Modern Australian buildings MUST comply with the BCA and the fire requirement are quite severe, eg:-
    a) Must have sprinkler system in high risk areas, such as basement parking and storage areas.
    b) Must have smoke detectors (wired in with battery back up).
    c) Must have heat sensors in certain areas.
    d) Must have an audible alarm.
    e) Must have a back to base fire panel system (EWIS) which works 24/7 to alert the authorities immediately a fire alarm is triggered. This also has verbal evacuation statement to all Floors.
    f) Must have extinguishers on all floors and other areas.
    g) Must have a hose/hydrant system on each floor.

    From what I can find on the web sites, the Grenfell building had only SOME extinguishers!!! We are comparing chalk and cheese.

    The main issue is that the OC via the SC ensure that the fire system is correctly and continuously maintained (this is NOT done in some Stratas).

    The problem cladding is NOT just aluminium – it is a composite with a flammable core of some type of material. Does my Strata have it? I do not have any idea as you cannot tell from looking at it, nor from the construction plans. You would need to maybe contact the builder but would he tell you? Or – do a core sample. But – if you find the ‘wrong’ material, what then – the cost to either replace or install special external sprinklers would be at least in the $100,000’s. My building only has a cladding on the top floor, but still the cost, IF IT WAS NEEDED, would cost at least $100,000 – $200,000 – a special levy would be needed.
    My view is that the fire risk similar to Grenfell in my building EVEN if the cladding is the wrong type, is very low BECAUSE we have the complete fire safety system as detailed above.
    I think we all need to take a deep breath and not get overly concerned – in Australia.
    As you can see from the above – to even find the buildings with the wrong cladding is a very complex task and it will probably lie on the OC. To ascertain whether action is then required needs expert analysis of EACH building – an OC task?

    My view is that we should be targeting compliance with the BCA and for OC’s to ensure the fire systems are properly maintained.