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With regard to Jimmy’s comment about low level windows requiring permanent restriction it should be noted that the Building Code of Australia (BCA) does require some openings to be permanently restricted but the BCA only applies to new builds, renovations requiring a DA or a change in usage. It is not retrospective.
The NSW Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Child Window Safety Devices) Regulation 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2010 ONLY requires child resistance with no mention of permanent restriction at all in that document.
For our strata we had a safety audit done at the end of 2012 and restrictors were recommended for children’s bedroom windows. We investigated the possibilities for our sliding windows and, knowing the content of the upcoming 2013 BCA (containing the first requirements for restricted window openings for new buildings, we made the decision to restrict all windows. This was completed in April 2013 – a couple of weeks before the release of the BCA.
The window restrictors have been very well accepted by both owners and tenants (particularly as they can be overridden to open windows more fully if required). They are checked and tested each April during the annual inspection of apartment fire doors and smoke alarms so records are available to prove our compliance.