Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #9499

      A 32 unit strata in NSW

      What procedure would be followed at an AGM where no one nominates to serve on the EC nor those who may be nominated decline to be appointed?

      A forum would be present.

      I presume we could have an EC of one if someone was to nominate and would fill all 3 positions on the EC.

      Is this correct?

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    • #21553

        If nobody wishes to nominate and serve on an Executive Committee (E/C) then either the Owners Corporation (O/C) must assume its role thereby requiring General Meetings to make decisions that would otherwise be delegated to an E/C, or the O/C can resolve to delegate the E/C functions to its Strata Manager and to detail those in the Strata Management Agency Agreement.

        Whilst there’s a prescribed maximum number of persons who can serve on an E/C there’s no minimum, so YES, one person (with a lot of spare time) accepting a nomination and a position as an E/C Member could take-on the roles of Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

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