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  • #9729

      Can you please advise.

      At the EGM on the 19.6.14 motion regarding balustrade upgrade to the current BCA was dismissed, because it required special resolution, what was not stated on the agenda. Two owners didn’t accept it and took the OC (4 opposing owners) to the CTTT.
      The mediation supposed to be on the 22.9. in the morning of the AGM. The applicant’s lawyer asked for the mediation to be postponed to a later date.
      The owner, who is the main force in the replacement of the balustrade, asked in his motion at the AGM agenda to seek an independent legal advise (paid by the OC) what kind of resolution is required, before the mediation will take place.
      We are block of 8 units, 4 are in favour of the upgrade, 4 are against.
      The argument of the opponents was that it will be waste of OC money to get an independent legal advise when the 4 opponents are taken to the CTTT by this owner anyway. The OC has also two reports (done on the request of this owner). These reports didn’t find anything to be wrong with the balustrade, only that they don’t comply with the current BCA.
      Despite that the owner said several times at the AGM, he is not going to accept the independent lawyer’s advise, if it doesn’t go his way, the strata manager asked the OC to vote on it. The strata manager is always supporting this owner.
      The 3 owners, who are on the side of this particular owner, have together 54% of entitlements. This owner called poll voting and he got his way through.
      Can we, the 4 other units with lower number of entitlements take this decision to the CTTT with the argument, it will be waste of OC money, when this particular owner is already taking the 4 opponents to the CTTT anyway? After all the CTTT will make the decision on it.
      I would be great full for your advise.


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    • #22362

        Just a quick summary of your position.

        Changes to common property require a special resolution (75% in favour), repairs require only a simple majority.

        If the pro-work group are saying that  the current balustrades need to be changed because they aren’t up to code, then that is an alteration of common property that requires a special resolution (75% vote in favour).

        If the pro-work group are saying this is only a repair, requiring a 51% vote, they have to show that the balustrades are broken (which they are presumably not).

        There are a limited number of instances where building codes are retrospectively enforceable (fire ordinances and swimming pool fences, for instance).  Most other building code issues only become enforceable where there is work being done in the area where the non-code structures exist. 

        If they dispute this, and they want legal advice, they do have a majority so they can force everyone to pay for it but you might have recourse under Section 149 of the Act to ask that levies be altered so that those who did not see the need for legal advice don’t have to pay for it (especially if they are found to be correct).  I would certainly present that as your intention if they insist on the owners corp paying for further legal advice in a matter that is already being considered by NCAT.

        The simplest solution would be to let the upgraders upgrade their own balustrades at their own expense, with the condition that the same will apply to the other owners should they wish to do so, and that the individual owners accept responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the balaustrades in perpetuity.  The cost per owner will work out roughly the same without the need for lawyers (except to draw up the requisite by-law).

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          Thank you Jimmy for your valuable advise.
          Do you mind to advise me further please?

          The strata manager is already getting quotes from two strata lawyers. As he informed the OC, he will than forward the quotes to the newly elected EC, who should than decide, who to engage.

          The problem is that at the AGM through the poll voting the pro-group blocked other owners to be on the EC. It means the pro-work group will decide.
          As I mentioned before, they insist to have the legal advise before the mediation, which is already logged and was postponed from the 22.9. to a further date.
          Who shall the opponents turn to, to ask that the pro-work group should pay for the legal advise and when shall we do it; after or before the legal advise is obtained? Do we need to inform the strata manager/EC secretary about our intention or do we need to go to the NCAT regarding this?

          Also they forced at the AGM through the poll voting the EGM minutes to be altered to “change of the balustrades is not a repair (as they were claiming before) but a maintenance as it doesn’t meet the requirement of the current BCA”. Could this have any influence what kind of resolution is required when they are now talking about maintenance and not repair?

          Thank you for your advise

          Sir Humphrey

            If the balustrades are common property, as they appear to be, and the OC decided to only upgrade some to current standard (where the adjacent unit owner wanted it and paid for it), and someone fell off a non-upgraded balcony, wouldn’t it be easy to make a case that the OC had been negligent? It would be hard to make the case that the OC was unaware of the issue. 

            If, say, a motion to upgrade all balconies had majority support but there were not 75% in favour, and there were legal advice to the OC that it should upgrade all to avoid liability, then I would say the EC should go to the Tribunal seeking an order to give effect to the failed motion. In such circumstances it could be reasonably secure in claiming it was acting to reflect a majority view and in accordance with appropriate legal advice. In the ACT, our Tribunal has powers to ‘give effect’ to a failed motion such as this if it would be ‘reasonable’ for it to have passed. Do other state tribunals have such powers?

            In the ACT certain classes of motion require an unopposed resolution. Our OC has had small minorities (sometimes as few as one person out of >100 owners) oppose such motions even though they would suffer no loss or inconvenience whatsoever. They simply had the ‘wrong end of the stick’ about what the point of the motion was and would not be dissuaded from their misconceived opposition. In such cases the ACT Tribunal ‘gave effect’ to the failed motions. 


              @alinka said:

              Also they forced at the AGM through the poll voting the EGM minutes to be altered to “change of the balustrades is not a repair (as they were claiming before) but a maintenance as it doesn’t meet the requirement of the current BCA”.

              You can pass any motion you like at an AGM that black is white but it doesn’t change the fact that black is still black. Clearly upgrading the balustrades is an upgrade not a repair and a motion cannot change that and so it requires a 75% vote in favor at a GM.

              Get a letter written stating clearly the upgrade needs a Special Resolution to proceed and get it signed by all those opposed (at least 25%). Also state in the letter that any spending to upgrade the balustrade without a Special Resolution the person that authorizes that spending will be considered liable for the full cost of said upgrade.

              Give a copy of said signed letter to the Sec and the SM. You can also state in the letter that if necessary you and your colleagues will take action at NCAT to recovery this money if they proceed anyway.

              As to the legal cost I think you are stuffed because it just requires a simple majority which they have.

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