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  • #9647

      Good Morning,

      Just a quick question , self managed NSW strata, we had our AGM on the 15/07/2014, are we to received final minutes of this meeting from the  secretary/treasurer, and if so in what time frame.


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    • #22120

        It’s the Secretary’s role to ensure that Minutes of General Meetings are taken and distributed, and whilst the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act (1996) incorporates an entire Schedule on the procedures to be followed for those Meetings, regrettably there’s nothing included about the timeframe within which those Minutes must be distributed, other than to state that Proprietors can request a copy, and in the event that they don’t receive them or they’re not otherwise distributed before the next General Meeting, then they must be provided with the Agenda for that Meeting.

        All a bit wish-washy really!

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