Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

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  • #11408

      Up until several SC meeting ago when a SC member was unable to attend the minutes would list the members present “Committee members present: Bob, Jane and Alice …. followed by Apologies: Jack and Jill.”

      Now we are seeing “”Committee members present: Bob, Jane and Alice …. followed by Apologies: Jack and Jill (letter of authority to Bob).”

      Is Jill giving their vote to Bob? And is this allowed under the Act?

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    • #28451

        First of all, your heading on this was (until I edited it) almost as long as your question.  Please don’t do that. It screws up the layout on the page.

        Secondly, yes they are passing on a  kind of proxy but it doesn’t count towards the quorum and it has to be accepted by a majority of the owners present at the meeting to be allowed as a vote.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          Thanks for that, I’m sure that our committee wouldn’t be aware of those rules that would attach to it. Our SC is 9 and controlled by a core group. They hold the meetings in the building office that is marginally bigger than a shoe box any owners attending are made to stand outside where you can’t hear what is being said or be seen by the Chair which brings up the question.

          Owners that are not in the room, are they at the meeting or not?


            @JimmyT said:
            First of all, your heading on this was (until I edited it) almost as long as your question.  Please don’t do that. It screws up the layout on the page.

            Apologies, I did go back to edit, no edit on the Title. Probably made it longer to get noticed as my first post here was a single word “Transparency” and received nil replies.

            Maybe you could limit the number of chars in the Title text box.


              @SirLunchalot said:
              Maybe you could limit the number of chars in the Title text box.  

              I am not a computer programmer.  I rely on the common sense of contributors to limit themselves.

              The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                @JimmyT said:

                I am not a computer programmer.  I rely on the common sense of contributors to limit themselves.  

                I realise that. It was just a suggestion, I see a couple of other adjustments that would be helpful, however we are getting off topic.

                I had ran a successful forum (circa 10 years) made a site wide upgrade that included social aspects. The users just couldn’t grasp the social side and they slowly dropped off. It wasn’t a genre as important as your site here and after 12 years I was no longer involved in that lifestyle and shut it down. I do understand and in due course you will understand where I’m coming from but for now we’ll just say from an 18 month dark place.

                Funny thing all those members that couldn’t get social ended up on another site, now what was that site. Oh yeah something called Facebook. Wink

                Back to topic.

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