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  • #11794

    My townhouse is nearly 20 years old.

    My bathroom’s tub had resulted water leaking through my downstairs’ lounge’s light bulk in 2015 and Strata Manager had sent plumber to address the issues. However, plumber had fixed the shower and not the bath tub and I have not been using the bath tub ever since.

    Finally, I have save enough money to repair and address this issues now and would like to take the opportunities to re-do and upgrade the whole small bathroom and the same Strata Manager has insisted that I need the drafting by-law that will cost me up to $1500, which is not guarantee that I will get approval from the OC.

    I have contacted NSW Fair Trading and a solicitor in regards of whether the drafting by-law is compulsory and both parties say no. However, the Strata Manager does insisted to have the drafting by-law done the solicitor. I have also consulted two of the strata’s committees and they both said that no drafting by-law is needed. 

    I have also asked the Strata Manager what others owners are doing and his reply is they all go ahead to do the reno without informing him. I have requested him to write a letter to all owners to standardise this processes and procedures and he doesn’t seem to be interested in doing so, but, instead keep on insisting that I do need the drafting by-law for my bathroom repairs which is classified as major renovations by NSW Fair Trading.

    Are you able to give me some suggestion of what to do to proceed?

    Thank you in advance for your expertise advice. 

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  • Author
  • #30086

      Bathrooms can be tricky because of plumbing etc.  A simple by-law costs $120 latest Ilearned from Fair Trading. Perhaps you are being had otherwise. On the other hand, I learned also there are more complex model by laws available. Maybe that’s what you are being offered. I would check the facts with another party at Fair Trading and negotiate .  Good luck. 


        Just a tip Snoopy. If it is the case that you do need a bylaw, you don’t necessarily need the bylaw to get approval from the OC. Get the approval at a meeting before you spend money on a bylaw on the proviso, that once approved, or not, you will provide them with the bylaw, or not.

        There are bylaw templates around, your SM should have one, so use that.

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