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  • #68347

      I don’t normally post my newsletter intros here but I am keen to hear from Melburnians, especially those who think I’ve got things terribly wrong.  Anyway, this is what went out this morning.  Feel free to pitch in with your thoughts:

      So Melbourne is now officially bigger – as in more populous – than Sydney.  NSW newsreaders have been reassuring their audiences that it’s merely a geo-statistical blip. Like it matters.
      Melbourne has a lot going for it.  I like the trams and the laneways and the European vibe of the city (only without the riots). I like that Sydney has shamelessly copied some elements too. I like that Melburnians love sport more than probably any other city in the world. I love the galleries and tourist videos soundtracked by Nick Cave.  Or was that the Barossa?
      But size?  If we have to compare each other, there are better metrics. And I can tell you one area where Melbourne does fall down – the Victorian strata system is totally screwed.
      When owners don’t get to see committee agendas, can’t attend meetings, and the chair has a casting vote over everything, including what goes in the minutes – you have the potential for zero transparency. And the trouble with that is that some people take advantage and others often can’t see there are problems until it’s too late.
      When the tribunals are at least a year behind in hearings and the head of the strata managers’ professional organisation says, in dismay, that the only requirement to be strata manager in Victoria is a regular heartbeat, you have a systemic failure heading for a crash.
      Meanwhile the politicians, the mainstream media and way too many strata owners just don’t want to know. Enjoy your bigness, Melbourne.  You are a great city – a truly world city – but your apartment blocks could have massive problems heading their way.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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    • Author
    • #68349
        Thanks for your editorial on Victoria’s strata laws which are certainly in need of attention from the Parliament, as for the problems at VCAT I understand that it is being tackled by the Attorney General as a priority and only time will tell if this is solved, I suppose it will mean more lawyers.
        I’m still trying to remember the last time we had a riot in the city, demonstrations outside Parliament are a Melbourne tradition, we seem to have a tram-stopping march in front of the State Library or Parliament each Saturday, but as the old saying goes a demo doth not make a riot.
        Please keep up the good work.
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