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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by .
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  • #11557

      Following an article on Flatchat sometime ago and the fact that all of our executive cttee are investors (I am not on the EC), I decided to build a website for our unit block that would provide an information and communication hub for the building. At present we have a tiny noticeboard and notices tend to be sellotaped in the lift and to walls. It was presented at a recent EC meeting and received a tentative approval. However, there were concerns about the law regarding privacy ie ownership of the minutes, can the names/contact details of the cttee be put on there. I have protected it with a password which would enable residents and owners to access it. I have also included a page allowing voting to improve the democracy in the building, which I assume is now ok under the new legislation. I currently own the website, edit it and moderate the forum but would transfer to the cttee if it is adopted.

      Could you give me your thoughts as I was planning to push for its adoption and have was also been asked to construct one for another building.

      Feedback from other owners in building has been very positive, so far.

      Thanks in advance for your help

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    • #29127

        Your website loooks great and this is an admirable effort but your basic problems are privacy, accessibility and management.

        Privacy is not an issue within the community but it is if your information is available to outsiders.  That could mean passwords which should be changed frequently for all subscribers.  This is easily done by a monthly mail-out

        Accessibility is an issue for people who don’t have computers or don’t access them very often – how do you prevent your building from being run by a “geek elite” because the non-connected don’t know what’s going on?

        Finally, your website looks great but what happens when you get too busy or move away?  Does the committee really want to take on that role.  Even if they love the website, the answer is probably “no”. 

        That’s why I am coming round to the idea of commercial website providers like our sponsors Stratabox

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the comments, particularly re the digital divide. I was hoping the website would be more inclusive and accessible for renters and owners and not act as a complete replacement for the more traditional methods of disseminating info. I did look at Stratabox but they were 10x more expensive per year (the website costs $120 per year to host) and obviously less personalised (feel free to remove at moderation to protect your sponsorship).

          Also, agree about time and may change the forum page to a newsletter to reduce the level of admin required. Otherwise, it should not be too onerous.

          Could you confirm that voting at AGMs can be done via a website, if the exec cttee had complete ownership of the site.

          Thanks again


            Hi there, just saw your post. Happy to discuss as we take all feedback very seriously! Feel free to drop us a line at contact@stratabox.com.au

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