I think it’s worth pointing out that local council noise restrictions – which apply to all homes, whatever their type – come on top of, or as well as, your strata by-laws.
So, for instance, you might have a mad-keen DIY home renovator hammering and drilling within the council’s permitted hours but they could be (and probably are) breaching your strata by-laws. The council noise laws don’t permit them to make a noise that breaches by-laws.
DIY home renovation in strata is one of those areas of great contention because it cuts across the clash of the home owners somewhat bogus ‘right’ to do as they please with their property and the genuine and legally enforceable right of everyone around them to have reasonable peace and quiet in their homes.
If your neighbour turns his flat into a building site at the same time as you are relaxing in the evening or at weekends, you can put a stop to it by asking your EC and/or strata manager to get involved..
The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.