Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

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  • #8817

      We have a wonderful body corporate, looking after our beautiful block for many years. A new member recently was appointed on committee & has caused so much trouble by aggressive, intimidating, bullying behaviour, causing several meetings to be abandoned due to this persons appalling behaviour. How do we resolve this issue, so the meetings continue, decisions are properly made & no one is upset? thanks frazzled, nsw

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    • #18400
      Sir Humphrey

        A strong chair who imposes far more formal meeting procedures than might previously have been necessary so that interjections are not tolerated, people get to take turns to speak in favour or against a proposal and so on. The chair could warn the person in advance that poor behaviour will not be tolerated.


          There is a method for removing disruptive EC members which is to hold an General Meeting of the Owners Corporation, get a special resolution vote in which no more that 24 percent say no, and declare the position vacant. You wouldn’t do this unless you had all your ducks in a row first.

          Or … one of the stronger minded individuals can sit down with this person and explain to them that their behaviour is disruptive and if they don’t moderate it, you will call such a meeting and their behaviour and its effects will be explained to everyone in the building after which they will be expelled from the EC.

          Or, you could raise a motion at the EC to censure this owner, a resolution which will go on the record. Again, you might suggest this to them before you do it, to see if they moderate their behaviour.

          Finally, you could adopt Standing Orders of the type suggested by Peter C below, outlining who gets to talk and when. We’ve discussed creating a set of Standing Orders here on the website for a while – maybe it’s about time we did something about it. Watch this space.

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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