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      Question I have is about Unit front doors.


      The building in which I live has white front doors, they get rather dirty from filthy hands and black from shoes…we have asked our cleaner to clean them, he has refused and says it’s not his job….he said it should be up to the resident to clean their own door as it is the entrance to the unit….


      So who should clean them??

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    • #17207

        What does the cleaning contact state?  I’m guessing it probably does not include unit front doors. 

        Front doors can be common property but if they are not part of the cleaning contract, the cleaner is perfectly right in asking that they be included (for a price) in the contract or as a once off cost.


          Even though they’re Common Property, in NSW the resident of a Strata Property is responsible for cleaning all windows and doors of their Lot unless it’s unsafe to do so; and why wouldn’t a resident be prepared to do that?


            Basil, this gets back to a pet dislike of mine about strata that some owners want things done and they think that if the OC pays for it they are getting it for free with no consequences.  While it may not be relevant to you, I decided to use your post as an excuse to vent.  Sorry!!

            Whale is exactly correct, I think these responsibilities are outlined in the document “Defining Who is Responsible ….” Memorandum No AG520000 from the Land and Property Office.

            Austman, is correct in that the specific contract with the cleaner will specify what is to be cleaned. Assuming the OC has contracted the cleaner, if the contract specifies that the front doors are to be done the contract would be more expensive than if they weren’t included.  

            In our strata scheme some owners regularly ask for work to be done, eg, cleaning, that is the individual owner’s responsibility.  I point out to them that if they want this done, we have to arrange to have it done for every owner and levys will have to be increased.  


              I am with Cosmo and Whale on this. In m complex we Residents who want to pay backpacker prices but have the services of a five star hotel. I am over this attitude that you move into strata and you never have to lift a finger or pay for anything again. As I have pointed out to residents here, we can cover absolutely everything in this strata plan – if we double or triple your levies.

              Why would someone not want to take pride in the appearance of their home by ensuring that it is maintained? Do you really want people coming to your front door and seeking dirt marks? And if the finger marks/Shoe marks are at your own front door, they would probably be caused by yourself, the resident, or people you have asked over. So get the spray and wipe out every now and again and save your building thousands over the years! And take pride in the appearance of your home.


                Your doors, your windows, you clean them.  Our back doors were filthy following building works so I got some cleaning stuff and a cloth and wiped mine down, no-one else did, it took me about 5 minutes.  And as Struggler says, the marks etc. are most likely caused by the owner and their visitors anyway. 

                The concept of “free” is interesting in a strata context.  Just because you are not paying for something directly doesn’t mean you are not paying for it.  If the owners corporation takes on responsibility for something, you are paying for it through your levies.  I would rather the strata pay for important things that really is within its responsibility, and keep costs down in other areas such as this.  That also includes things such as sweeping stray leaves. Why would you pay a contractor an inflated price when you can do it yourself with a broom in a few minutes?


                  Good on you Struggler and Scotlandx in regard to Basil’s question about cleaning the front door to their unit.


                  In our building you can tell almost immediately how the door will be maintained.

                  If black marks are on it, it is usually the result of a resident pushing the door open with their foot.

                  Other problems on scratching the door can occur from a large set of keys.

                  It is not the cleaners responsibility to clean the doors unless it’s part of his contract and if he was asked nicely, he might just clean it!.

                  What ever happens to Common Sense!


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