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  • #8212

    Is there a body that oversees the strata managers in NSW? or how could i bring up a complaint(s) against a my strata manager?

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  • #15754

      The governing body for strata managers is Strata Community Australia. Go to https://nsw.stratacommunity.org.au/ to find their contact details. They may mediate in a disute with your SM. If your strata manager isn’t a member of SCA, that’s another matter of concern for you and you need to look at their contract very closely to see what your options are.
      Meanwhile, you need to gather evidence of what they’re doing and not doing that is contrary to the terms of their contract. But bear in mind that this is mainly a contractual issue and there are very few tasks that SMs are legally obliged to undertake without a direct instruction from the Owners Corp.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

      thank you


        @rosebud said:
        thank you


        Hi Rosebud

         If only I had just an unwanted floor noise transmission from the unit above I could possibly be satisfied.

        There are so many of situations where lots on lower floors are subject to noise trauma. I have been complaining for 18 months and next tuesday I will file mediation forms again as there was nothing done about my many complaints to the SM and EC on this matter

        We are involved with a Strata Manager and with her assistant both have cyber bully and anger management issues. Seems they are able to do everything they choose with impunity. The Strata Manager can only authorise work orders, deal with their authorised trades persons but cannot resolve matters affecting a lot owner with any dignity and according to the by-laws in respect of the SSMA

        Only one thing left is to get a Strata roll, approach all owners privately to explain your problem and find out their problems, with the idea of gaining their support or valid proxy.

        Once you have more than 50% of votes and support, call a EGM and vacate the positions of the EC and get rid of the Strata Manager within the parameter of their contract. Install a new committee which is not an obligation and install a fairer strata Manager.

        Your unit will then be saleable and your life will be humanised.

        Its not fun when you are right and have to suffer the wrong doings of others

        Good Luck



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