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  • #8384

    Hi there,

    I’m new to this forum, so forgive me if this post is a bit green but I was hoping to get some advice. I own a unit in a block of over 40. My husband is currently on the Executive Committee which meets every month in the same EC committee member’s unit. He often comes home quite frustrated from the meetings (which often last 2 hours), because it becomes a forum for a few of the older members of the committee to complain about small matters in the building (noise, pets, gossip). Add to that little “hens party” that executive committee’s track run of late has not been stellar with several, expensive projects being undertaken without getting at least three quotes or doing all of their research. This has cost our sinking funds $1000s.

    But what really concerned me was learning that the owner of this unit has been serving wine and beer before the commencement of and during each meeting and several of the committee members partake in this.

    Now, I’m not entirely sure but I’m not overly comfortable knowing that the executive committee is conducting a business meeting in such a social manner. Is the consumption of alcohol during these types of meetings normal? I understand that the members of the committee are volunteers and not getting paid for their time, but is it unreasonable to ask as a resident that they refrain from the booze and gossiping until after the meeting is closed?

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  • #16494

      Hmmm.  The idea of important decisions being made by people who are three sheets to the wind doesn’t sound great, does it.

      But there is a simple solution – put forward a motion that no alcohol be consumed until the last item on the agenda has been voted on.

      Not only will decisions be made by clearer heads, the business end of the meetings will immediately get a lot shorter.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

        When I was on the EC we used to have a glass of wine plus chips, biscuits and dip as well as water tea and coffee on hand. Meetings were usually held in the evening after EC members returned home from work. Meetings were over and done with in an hour. Those who partook of the wine only had a glass. And sure there was some chit chat as well, generally as we waited to see who showed up and after as we finished our drinks. Held on week nights, no one lingered.

        It was quite social. In a way it was almost enjoyable to give up our own time for free. And the minutes were taken, the work decided on and matters delegated where necessary. Everything was handled, maintenance attended to, follows ups actioned. But that was in the days when residents were all like minded, proactive, sensible, social and really wanted the best for the complex and all residents.

        I don’t know that any meetings have been held in this year. I know the last couple had no wine or any drinks at all. Nothing that is discussed gets done, no maintenance and for the past couple of years matters are still on the agenda each AGM and will probably be so next year. So did the wine hurt when it was the most productive time of this complex?

        I am no longer on the committee. Now I just drink the wine so I can bear living here.


          The EC of which I have been a member for 12 years doesn’t drink before or during meetings; I don’t think that the issue has ever been discussed during my time.  A glass and a nibble or two during the meeting does not seem objectionable in principle, although it seems incompatible with the papers that are often spread out on the table.  What concerns me about the original post is the potential for some of the committee to ‘caucus’ before the meeting and perhaps settle the odd contentious and/or expensive issue before it comes up in open and minuted session.  This could be a problem if owners with an interest in hearing matters discussed are excluded from the preliminary discussion and do not have the opportunity to learn how the relevant decisions have been reached.

          alley cat

            Our EC meetings are routinely held on neutral territory – not in someone’s apartment. I know we are lucky that we have a place where we can do this, even if we all do bring a chair. Meeting in a neutral common area ensures that everyone is equal, and not worried about saying something difficult in someone’s home and we often have owners turn up if there is something on the agenda that they wish to contribute to. The comment has been made that they would not feel comfortable just turning up if the meeting was in someone’s apartment.


            Alley cat

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