Do you also take questions and offer advice on Qld BCCM legislation please? Our 120-Lot Strata Scheme suffers two rogue paid service contractors – the Caretaker and the BC Manager conspirators who have a stranglehold on our scheme ensuring only the Caretaker’s letting pool recipient associates are elected for BC Committee voting positions.
As a result, illegal use of our BC levies are ignored and never challenged by the committee. We are an accommodation module and need help desperately.
We (lot owners) have so many issues to address and already lodged applications to the BCCM whereby adjudication orders are just ignored. Instead, the caretaker uses our BC levies for his paid legal retaliation engaging his own solicitor against lot owners who dare expose their BC noncompliant anomalies.
No budget, no general meeting no special resolution on restricted issues.
I’m sure you would be familiar with the Caretaker Letting Agent, a bully and a tyrant known nationally if I named him!
Any idea how we can cut through the corruption and restore some form of normality?