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  • #9185

      The owners above are doing renovations 


      they wanted to access our lot so so that they could change the plumbing, we said no as we didn’t want our roof ripped out and the change of plumbing was never approved in their renovations bylaw

      theh threatened that they would go ahead and do the works they wanted and it will leak and it will be my fault for not letting them rip into my roof.

      well now they have drilled into the concrete slab and punched a hole into my unit, and there is water leaks. Their trades have put a rag over the top of it and sealed it up on their side but my side is opened. This happened weeks ago when they were drilling and they’ve hoped to get away with it.


      now that I’ve discovered it they are saying their trades people will “fix” my hole, but my concern is the water run off into the concrete space needs to be stopped from their side and simply patching won’t stop the issue 

      also I don’t want their trades people I want strata approved builders to fix this for future insurance purposes 


      what are my rights?


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    • #29620

        Document everything with photographs then write to the OC asking them to fix it. If nothing happens, take the OC to NCAT. Later, if the OC doesn’t charge your neighbours for repairs, take them to NCAT again.


          If they have drilled into the slab and ripped a hole in your ceiling they are doing unauthorised works affecting common property and must stop immediately.

          I suggest you contact the strata manager and tell him/her, and that you insist they be told they must cease. If you get no joy, contact Fair Trading about getting an urgent order.


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