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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by .
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  • #8664

      Within our complex the Chairman of our EC beleives he is a god and believes he knows best 100% of the time so discussion points and issues raised always end up muted.

      This EC Chairman breaks the following by-laws very regularly and will not allow genuine (and photographed) breahes of by-laws be followed up by anyone. we have dated photos of these by-law breaches so can prove them.

      1) He constantly parks in visitor parking

      2) Constantly has visitors parking for extended periods outside his garage which is common property and actually a driveway to be used be all.

      3) Leaves his garage door open 24/7 and now we all laught and ask ‘is the doctor in’.

      Usually people would say bring it up at an EC meeting etc and that has been done on numerous occasions but he is sly he makes sure he goes around asking people prior to the meetings what issues they will be bringing up so that he is prepared for whatever is thrown at him.

      What can be done about someone with their own agenda who knows how to play people.

      Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as finally 3 of us on the EC have has more than enough of him and his intimidation of others.

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    • Author
    • #17688

        You cannot issue a NTC as only the EC or OC can do that but their is nothing stopping you starting Adjudication proceeding against him (you have to go to conciliation first). Total cost is approx $130 for lodging both.

        Just need to be organized and present your documentary evidence in a logical way.


        Submit a motion to be included at the next EC meeting or AGM to issue a NTC against him, if it passes get the secretary or Strata Manager to issue it against him. He doesn’t have any veto power or special privileges.

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