Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #8207

      We have an upcoming EGM. One motion in the minutes wants to give the EC the power to approve changes to common property as long as the owner pays for the changes. No mention of special by laws.

      Though I believe that we should have more than 25 per cent against with proxies what recourse do we have should this actually be passed? We are concerned that we will be stuck with repair/replacement bills from these changes to common property. Though we have the numbers with proxies, last time proxies didn’t seem to be counted.

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    • #15740

        Further on my last post re our EGM. There is a motion to approve a quote for necessary major works. However, there isn’t a copy of the quote attached. So those who are not present will have to vote on a quote without any idea how much that quote is actually for nor what the quote covers ie what are they actually doing for the money.

        Shouldn’t we be voting on a quote we have seen? I fear the EC will put forward the cheapest quote that does not contain details. Such quotes have attempted to be passed before until I pointed out the pitfalls of accepting a quote because it had a low total cost, as opposed to a quote that listed what was to be included and materials used for a couple of hundred more. The devils in the lack of detail.


        Struggler, you should move that the motion is out of order because all pertinent information has not been provided making sure everything is properly minuted.

        What is being attempted is not proper ‘corporate governance’.


          It has come to light that there was no quote for works included with the agenda because the quote was only done yesterday. Some two weeks after the agenda was sent out. The guy doing the quote said that the couldn’t do his job until other maintenance work was carried out. Work that is not included in the agenda nor any quotes arranged. So we presumably will be voting on a quote where we dont know the figure and can’t be carried out anyway until other maintenance work is done for which no arrangements have been made. Did I hear someone say dysfunctional?

          So how can those who cannot make the meeting, or those owners I have spoken to who have not received the notice of the EGM expected to vote? Can I, the Lone Ranger, stop this meeting until some semblance of common sense emerges?

          May I remind flat chatters that this is the same EC that wrote to the few owners whose email addresses they had on hand to ask what they wanted included in the AGM 5 days out from the meeting. The same EC who believes that owners can do whatever they want to the exterior of their property as along as it can’t be seen from the common areas The EC who believes if an owner pays for a change of CP it will all be alright.. They just don’t get it. Looks like I picked the wrong complex to give up drinking!

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