@newlsie said:
Can anyone help me in regard to the procedure one has to go through to enclose a balcony. I know that I will need permission from the OC but what are the Council regulations? I live in Sydney. Can this be put through as a Complying Development or does it need a DA? Would greatly appreciate any advice on this topic as the internet is drawing a blank.
We must be looking in different corners of the Interweb, Newlsie. This is what THIS City of Sydney document says about changes that don’t come under complying developments:
… external changes including alterations to balconies/ terrace areas.
Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t enclose your balcony, it just means you will probably have to apply for Development Approval.
As for the process, take detailed plans to your Owners Corp and ask for their approval. That will make a huge difference when you go to council seeking a DA.
And if the OC are nervous, they can give approval subject to you getting a DA.
It’s a chicken and egg thing but, as any Creationist will tell you, the chicken and the egg arrived on the planet at precisely the same time. By the way, if you are not a City of Sydney resident, your local council may have different rules and the best way to find out what they are is to ring up and ask.
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