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  • #9066

      A month or two ago I enquired about the improper dealings of a previous EC where the chairman had his personal interior designer draw up plans for the refurbishment of the foyer and halls.

      No scope of works was provided nor was their a contract or quote provided.

      This went on for a year and nothing was finalised.  In the meantime a new EC was appointed at the AGM and subsequently an account was presented to them for approximately $ 20,000. for design work.

      The new EC questioned it and asked the new Secretary to contact the designer with a review to lowering his invoice and report back to the EC for them to make a decision on how to proceed further.

      The new Sec. claims he contacted the designer and the designer refused to lower his invoice.

      Unbeknown to other EC members except for the Treasurer, the Sec ordered the Strata Manager to pay the invoice in question by way of the Treas.

      At the following EC meeting last month it was pointed out to the Sec. that it was not his decision to pay the account but should have been discussed and decided on by the full EC.

      Of course the account has now been paid.  What can the EC do about it and how should they proceed?

      We would like to point out that the present Sec. was asked to be on the EC by the former Chair and another former EC member.

      One wonders if this had anything to do with the decision of the Sec.

      I would like to bring to your attention that Scotlandx provided good advice to my initial query but unfortunately the committee seems to have been bypassed!!

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    • #19676

        The only option that I can see is if you take action against the person who approved the payment (Sec??) at CTTT to obtain an Adjudication ruling against them for misuse of strata funds.

        Once you obtain the ruling your Strata Office Bearers Liability Insurance should cover you to revover the money from them. The Insurance firm might go after the sec to recover the funds from him, but that would not be your problem.

        I cannot see the designer or SM being liable at all.

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