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  • #8435

      QUESTION: We are looking to replace our badly worn 20-year-old carpet and are considering a floating bamboo floor, but I’m very much aware of the possible noise issues.

      I have found a underlay, ‘Angel Step’ which looks okay from the data sheet. Does anyone have any real life examples of where they have successfully installed a floating floor and which underlay did you use or would recommend. – theyallexist, via Forum

      ANSWER: Some buildings have very specific and prescriptive regulations on how to put floors down, other have none – except for the by-laws that say you must not disturb another owner’s peaceful enjoyment of their lot.

      I’m not familiar with the product you mentioned but you can have the highest tech insulation on the planet but it will never be as good as thick carpet on top of quality underlay. Floor insulation is very unpredictable, simply because you can’t tell how the floor and walls will behave.

      However, you can put down a timber floor that won’t drive your neighbours nuts – but you can’t do it cheaply.  I was appalled by the bad advice dished out by flooring sales people when we were looking at laying a timber floor, including one idiot who told us to ignore our by-laws because they were unenforceable (not true!).  In the end, it cost about three times the cheapest quote but we went for a company that had done work in our building with no complaints.

      There’s a lively discussion on this with some specific recommendations here in this forum.  But how about asking your flooring people for a guarantee that if there are any complaints from the neighbours, they will re-lay it for free?

      FLAT CHAT LIVE:  Just a quick reminder that we are hosting a live Q&A as part of the Strata Community Australia NSW lot owners day on October 20th. It’s only $60.50 for a whole day of strata-related events, with lunch, morning coffee and afternoon tea thrown in.

      You can find out more byclicking here where you’ll find all the links you need to learn more about the convention and how you can be part of the event, whether you are there or not.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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    • Author
    • #16677

        My neighbour above me installed a timber floor (not sure whether it’s floating), and most early mornings (when it is most quiet) I can hear her walking, presumably on high heels from the lounge room to the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom etc. before she goes off to work. After a cordial conversation, it is not so bad, but……

        How I wish she had laid carpets instead of timber floors!  It is definitely not suitable for units, other than those on the ground floors!

        So if you don’t want unnecessary visits from neightbours, you know what to do.

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