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  • #9225

      We have been approached to use our apartment as a possible location for a TV drama shoot. 3-4 days use (turn into a week?). Is this allowed? We live in a 2 apartment strata in Sydney.

      I assume it would mean trucks and people and the lift being used constantly, which would defs annoy our neighbours (and probs me, if tables were turned!). Curious to know if we need their permission? We and them form the OC together. 


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    • #20230

        You don’t need anyone else’s permission to use your apartment but you have to think of the impact on your neighbours and on common property.

        Having worked in TV myself, I can tell you that the producer and crew are focussed on one basic thing, getting the show made as efficiently as possible both in terms of cost and the quality of the end product. 

        Your relationship with your neighbours is not very high on their list of priorities – unless it’s likely to impact on the show (hammer drills, vacuum cleaners and loud music going off whenever the director calls “action!”, for instance).

        You might also need their OK on parking of trucks etc.

        In your position, I would inform the neighbours as a courtesy in the first instance and ask them if they have any concerns. I would then talk to the producers about minimising the impact of the production on the rest of the building. 

        For instance, if they can arrange to “bump in” and “bump out” all their equipment in the minimum number of trips, rather than having a constant stream of crew members going back and forth to the trucks, that will help you a lot. 

        And maybe a small financial consideration to the OC would smooth things over too.  In short, it’s possible to minimise the impact to a certain extent and otherwise compensate for the disruption.

        But when the circus has rolled out of town, you will still want to be able to get on with your neighbours so tell them what you are doing and how you are planning to minimise the disruption to their lives and all should be sweet.    

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          My building has had a formal request for filming.  As well as external shots from the street and of the interior of one lot (they are free to do that), they wanted to include some common areas.

          The production company asked the OC to sign a “Location Release Form”.  The OC committee voted to approve.

          In our case the filming was done in less than a day and was not very obtrusive.  At one point they did set up a rail in the street for one of the cameras.  And they used a drone for some higher up external shots.


            Oh, we would never consider it without discussing with them. I was just wondering about the legality of it all. Thanks


              Would a council DA be required for this?


                No.  It’s not a change of use in any legal or planning sense.

                The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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