Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #8205
    Geoff B

      My remote device for the garage door for both the main entry and exit is not working. I am an owner and the Strata manager says I need to pay $122 for a new one (this one may just need a new battery though).

      I checked with the circular from Dept of Finance and Services on lands and property and it states:

      2.7  Electrical – OC responsibility
      b. Electric Garage Door Opener (motor and device).

      I quoted this to the agent and they do not agree – any suggestions as to my next move please?

      Thanks, Geoff

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    • #15736

        This is a garage door to a communal garaging area? Not a personal garage door servicing just one unit? If yes, I would have thought that the reference to motor and device actually refers to the mechanisms that open be close the garage door. I would think that the remote is like a security door key, needed to activate the locking mechanism and your own responsibility. The OC should make sure the garage doors machinery works in order to react to your personal remote/key.


          Before going any further, change the battery of the remote, it you think enough time has passed that it could be a problem.  The battery would be your responsibility.


          Hi Geoff B, the motor and device that operates the Common Property garage door leading into your complex is the responsibility of the OC. The remote that you use to open said door is the owners responsibility(meaning you or if you are a tenant then possibly your landlord). If the battery needs replacing or you lose the remote it is the owners responsibility(or the tenant) and not the OC.




          P.S. I purchased a new remote from Jaycar for $75 so your SM is taking you for a ride. Surprised


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        Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page