Flat Chat Strata Forum Living in strata Current Page

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  • #8264

      I read Frank’s glowing post about the joys in living in a unit/strata, along with Jimmy’s post about standing alone in a house at a time where I find myself yet again looking at the real estate websites for a house.  But unlike previous house searches, this time I have actually rung the bank and found out what I can actually borrow.

      I moved into strata for all of the things that Frank stated, as well as for safety, reduced costs, less maintenance for me to organise and for the added benefits of strata by laws on top of the civil by laws that would protect myself and others from inappropriate behaviours of neighbours.  I thought that by moving into strata I would not have to have the neighbours V8 “truck” started up at 5am outside my window, would not have to look at building materials dumped out in the open, would not have to worry about “dodgy” building changes, would not have access to my driveway blocked by someone parking across it and that repairs would be taken care of and not left to fester and become even more expensive.  But I have had all of that in strata!  Not to mention one resident considering taking out an AVO.

      By laws may be all well and good but if they don’t have to be administered by the EC, what used are they?  And owners who keep moving into strata without wanting to nor trying to understand the concept of “you only own within your lot”.  Together with an EC who doesn’t get around to doing anything and therefore maintenance escalating, then perhaps a house would be better.

      My considering a house has been fired up by another owner, one who possesses considerable common sense and is not afraid to speak out, has made an offer on a house.  Getting out of Dodge City.  So that in effect leaves me.  So I would stand alone.  Some reading this may say why don’t I go on the EC and get this moving.  I was on the EC.  I served on the EC with those on it now.  One a habitual by law breacher and another who never got around to doing anything – still waiting for the quote from ’09.  Myself and one other got things done, whilst the others sat back and said how easy being on the EC was.  So the two of us left, and nothing much has been done since. I would go on the committee again however most people in the complex don’t speak to me – because I enforced the by laws.  

      I have just a maintenance issue in my unit.  I can’t be bothered to take it to the EC.  The last maintenance issues I reported have had nothing done in 6 months and I received a curt note on how very busy they are.  It was water damage to the exterior.  This water damage means that other necessary maintenance cannot be done until the water damage is fixed.  So now more repairs wait, and wait………

      But if I was in a house, I would have rung someone up, had those two problems fixed (not very expensive when found early) then I would be on the phone to someone this morning to get this new problem fixed (probably only about $150 max).  As it is common property I of course  would not consider making an unauthorised repair.  Instead I am calling up tradies to help fix up the inside of my place.  Hopefully any prospective buyer will not notice the deterioration outside.

      At a time where I should be planning for my retirement and winding down work I am looking at taking on a larger mortgage and working full time for longer.  However, I hope that the overhaul of the strata titles act gives me something to hang in there for.  Because if they sharpen up the rules to make strata living more comfortable, make owners and ECs more accountable, I would stay in my current home for the rest of my life.  So in reality I do honestly hope that these reforms will come in and  make a difference – because I actually like my home.

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    • #15935

      I hear you Struggler. I was so happy after selling my home and buying a strata unit, no gardening, putting out bins, nasty neighbours. Ha! Well, I still monitor all, gardens for a large lot and many bins rather than one and instead of having one or 2 nasty neighbours I have many. The only bonus I have found living in units is off street parking and a city view! Meetings are a nightmare! Can I add I have been on the EC from day one and secretary for 18 months. I am still on the EC. I have many tasks that I perform including being available for tradies to access etc. Having said that my plan is actually very good compared to some other posters so I am relatively happy. I will probably not be able to afford a freestanding house again but if I could I would. So I will make the best of what I have, being on the EC is getting harder each year as nutbag owners waste time and try to take control for no other reason than that, being in control. So…chin up. We are all here with JT. We have support.

      Best of Luck

      CBF KissLaughKiss


        Thanks for those words of support CBF.  I too have done all the duties you describe in the past.  The problem with having “nutbag” owners/residents in strata is that they are right across from your front door.  If I were in a house their front door would be further away.  And I could put up a screen, without permission, to have privacy at my front door.  We have an owner here who no longer opens the front door, and rarely ventures out (checks first to see who is outside her front door) because of intimidation and harassment (she was on the committee – complained about breaches of by law, gets harrassed).  Is that any way to live?  When the antagonisers are right there, two steps away from your door, where do you go?  

        If you read the post about the NSW Strata Legislation Review, there is some hope!   The issues mentioned are the same issues we all read in flat chat – over and over again.  Of course parking is probably the biggest issue, one that I am well and truely over.  If you went into a department store and bought a 50 inch plasma TV, would you fork over the money then pick up another 50 inch TV and walk out with both?  No, because you only paid for one!  So what makes people think it is any difference in strata.  You get what you paid for!

        I don’t want a house for space.  The space I have here is perfectly adequate.  I have actually been looking at houses of the same size as my place!  A small house with just more yard than I have. Most don’t have garages or parking!  There is a reason though why these houses cost about $150,000 -$200,000 more than my townhouse – because here I just own inside and I can’t change it.  For the extra couple of thousand grand I can do what I like, if I could afford it. Yeah sure my neighbour could be a collector of rusty car bodies left on his front lawn. But that is why God invented muraya hedges.

        I know that my complex is not the worst by any means, though I have left out many details in my tales of woe on this forum.  At dinner parties I am often asked to tell what “they” have done now and to retell past stories.  I have had friends in the market for a place, but when one comes up in my complex they run a mile preferring the devil they don’t know rather than deal with what they know has happened/is happening here!  And when friends visit they ask me to point out the units of “them” – like one of those Hollywood stars tours!

        When my elderly mother had to downsize, I would not let her to go into strata.  I found her a small house instead.  I could not imagine what stresses she would have to go through living under the current strata system.   She has fantastic neighbours on all sides who keep an eye out for her, do things for her if needed – mow the front lawn, bring the bins in, trim trees, even organised maintenance for her.   I shudder to think of her living in a complex like mine.  If someone dropped dead by the letterboxes in my complex, the owners would wait to complain at the AGM next year about having to step over the body to get their mail that day – the EC should have done something!


          Hey, Strugs, would you consider a townhouse? The best of both worlds – or the lesser of two evils?

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            I am in a townhouse! 


              I had a horrible feeling you were going to say that!

              The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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