Flat Chat Strata Forum Neighbour noise Current Page

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  • #8281

    Hi everyone,


    I’m renting a second floor unit in a block of 25 apartments. The block was built around 1960s – 1970s I think and not very well at that. It’s not very well insulated – I can hear the people talking in the apartment next to me, I hear their microwave dinging in their kitchen etc.


    But what is driving me INSANE is hearing the people in the apartment above me in their bathroom. We have the same floor plan (one bedroom unit with an ensuite), so I hear their shower running, I hear them putting the toilet seat up, washing their hands, etc etc etc. And because it’s an ensuite, it’s practically above my bedroom, so I get woken up every morning by someone upstairs peeing at 5am!!! Ear plugs are not an option because I’m a nurse and often on call, so I need to hear my phone.


    I’ve discussed the issue with the real estate agent who was no help at all and just said it’s an old building so there’s nothing anyone can do. I asked the owners in the unit below me if they had the same noise problems from my unit and they said they couldn’t tell because they heard noise coming from all units around them.


    Has anyone got any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated!

    Thanks, Lucia

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  • #16026

      This is a tricky because, as a tenant, you are one step removed from being able to do anything – but that doesn’t mean you should do nothing.

      Firstly, it sounds like this building was built badly to begin with but a lot of your problems could be related to simple noise insulation issues.  If the pipes aren’t properly insulated then you are going to hear noise right through the building. The same applies to sound insulation between floors and walls. How easy that is to fix is impossible to tell until the building is properly inspected.

      If I were an owner in this building I would be pressuring the Owners Corporation to do something about the noise insulation on the grounds that strata living has changed since this building was put up and people have higher expectations of the livability of places they buy and rent.  In 1963 there were no surround sound TVs and people didn’t have their stereos blasting when they were taking power showers. For a lot of people this was the first time they’d had an inside toilet. Improving the sound insulation of the whole block would pay back immediately in the value of the properties.

      Back to you as a tenant – you can ask the owner to initiate the discussion with the EC or you could even ask them just to treat your apartment for better insulation.  There are a couple of special sound-absorbing wall and ceiling panels on the market that are remarkably effective (and not too expensive to install). Again, beter insulation will increase the value of the apartment.

      But, as far as forcing them to do anything, unless the rental advertisement said the apartment was quiet, I don’t think Fair Trading will either force the landlord to do anything or even support a claim for a reduction in rent.  You could try but I think you might have more chance of success by keeping the owner onside.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

      Hi Lucia


      I don’t have a solution for you other than having your owner convince the OC to add whatever insulation is possible.


      However, I am posting to let you know I purchased a unit in a lovely beachside location with only 4 units & after living in it, found out that I can hear not only the toilet flushing in the unit next door but every tap they turn on, them cooking, talking etc.  I can also hear the next door neighbour’s (house) shower & when they walk around their house.  I can also hear the clinking of spoons in cereal bowls from another neighbour whose kitchen in on the 2nd storey so the sound wafts down. 

      AND something about the location is so quiet that I can hear people walking in the street (I’m talking about hearing the flip-flop sound of their thongs!) – my street leads to the beach so there are heaps of walkers.  I can also hear people whom congregate in the car park at the Beach (I am 3 houses away).  I can also hear parties in the Surf Club even though that is way at the other end of the Beach.  It’s incredible & I have never experienced it before BUT I can also hear the sound of the waves so I’ve learnt to accept it & learn to live with it – not easy but I choose not to move & I could insulate the common wall between my unit & next door as I own that one too but it would compromise space.  At least I have control over whom lives next to me & we are single level (ie nobody above or below).

      Doesn’t solve your problem but I hope it makes you feel better in some small way.  Gotta love old buildings (sometimes not!).


        This isn’t a problem reserved for old apartments. I currently live in an old terrace in Marrickville and you can really hear a lot through the adjoining wall – and we have relatively quiet neighbours.

        Prior to that, I lived in a freestanding weatherboard & could easily hear our neighbours walking around the their house and pottering in their kitchen – not to mention arguments, music etc. 

        I think any situation where you live so close to your neighbours (e.g inner city Sydney), be it in a house or unit – noise can often be an issue.


        deliria1 – well, your post definitely makes me feel better about my lot (pun intended).


        When I find the noise thing annoying me, I think about stories from freestanding home owners & their own noise issues with other freestanding homes.  Nobody is immune and if they are, in their expensive, private properties, invariably, they will have challenges of a different kind as no place is perfect.


        As you write, part of Sydney living.  I used to daydream of living on a remote property somewhere will no neighbours until I visited such a place & it freaked me out.  Now I value (most of the time) having people close by as it can be comforting at times.

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