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  • #8592

      Summer is a-coming in, so it’s ‘kit-off’ time in Strataland, leading to potential source of Christmas holiday conflict … the standard by-law requiring residents to be ‘appropriately dressed’ on common property.

      Many years ago the Herald reported that a female tenant got into trouble for sunbathing topless on the roof of her apartment block, in breach of that very by-law.

      At the ensuing tribunal, the building’s representatives were asked if men were allowed to sunbathe with their shirts off and was told that they were.

      Strata by-laws can’t supersede state or national legislation, so the tribunal ruled that refusing a woman permission to sunbathe shirtless was discriminatory and the by-law could not be used to make her cover up.

      Having encountered all sorts of weird and less than wonderful sights over the years, I wonder what’s appropriate these days, especially in ‘resort-style’ buildings.

      Call me ‘fattist’ but the slim and trim sunbaking by the pool wearing less fabric than a pirate’s eyepatch are fine; a bare beergut bulging over saggy Speedos in the lift, not so much.

      There must be a happy medium. What’s acceptable undressing and what gets folk hot and bothered in your building?

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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    • Author
    • #17339

        Great topic Jimmy! I think it’s all about taste, grace, style and common sense isn’t it?

        In our Lower North Shore apartment block, there’s a woman who must be mid-60s and has just acquired a pair of those denim shorts the 13 year olds are wearing (called hot pants in the 70s I’m told). She look revolting, like the proverbial ‘mutton dressed up as… ‘ I’m thirty something with a good, toned bod and I wouldn’t dare. Otherwise, she’s in the lycra gear as if she’s just off to yoga or the gym. Her hubby, considerably older, is fond of hanging around the common areas with his shirt off and was once seen coming from the laundry in his grundies. They both seem very vain and are the butt (no pun intended) of many jokes around here.

        Thank heavens our complex doesn’t have a pool, eh!

        daphne diaphanous

          Oh dear, oh dear! Our complex does have a pool & we have a particularly unattractive husband & wife team in their early sixties who walk to & from it in their swimmers (she wears a bikini, displaying her large, mushy, sagging mammaries & large, solid gut). Being in our late fifties, we are not overly attractive either & wouldn’t display our aging wares in that manner. However, revolting though the sight is, we don’t really care how they dress. Leave people to their illusions of youth & beauty. Avert your eyes & read a book or text someone as you walk away from unpleasant appearances.

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