Flat Chat Strata Forum Living in strata Current Page

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  • #11667

       Hi All 

       Happy Easter to the Flat chatters! Just a question for you all for a comparison of costs.

       We recently  had a price hike in our swipes  that give us entry to our building and floor in the lift.


       We are being charged  $200.00 per swipe. A friend of mine in another building is being charged $50.00.

       Are we being had? I would be grateful for some comparisons  folks.

       Now back to the eggs and hot cross buns!


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    • Author
    • #29512
      Lady Penelope

        Whoopi – Who made the decision about the fee increase?

        Was this fee increase for the swipe card voted on at an AGM?

        What was the reason for it: admin cost etc???


           Dear Lady Penelope


          It was a Strata committee meeting where it was decided upon. 

          It was not voted on at an AGM. I do not think we were given a reason I will search back through the minutes for more info.




            This is a tactic often used to discourage owners from having too many swipes floating around – each of them being another chink in your overall security.  But surely these charges can only be for replacement swipes. If a new swipe is needed for reasons other than loss or damage by the lot owner then the OC should replace it free of charge.

            The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
            Lady Penelope

              To add to JT’s comment the number of swipe cards per Lot should be based on the number of bedrooms, with 2 cards allocated for each bedroom e.g. 3BRM = 6 swipe cards.

              For a tenancy the landlord/agent must give each tenant named in the tenancy agreement a free copy of the keys and/or swipe card for the premises. 

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