@The Hood
You wrote about a Code of Conduct and
An agent must have a knowledge and understanding of the Act and the regulations under the Act, and such other laws relevant to the category of licence or certificate of registration held (including, laws relating to residential tenancy, fair trading, competition and consumer protection, anti-discrimination and privacy) as may be necessary to enable the agent to exercise his or her functions as agent lawfully.
You too mentioned the Code of Conduct
My question is: what happens to an agent if he is found not to exercise his functions lawfully?
Case in point: I submitted motions to a strata manager for a General Meeting. He confirmed they would be listed at the meeting. In the event he listed them instead for a SC meeting. Naturally the motions (critical of the self enriching behaviour of the SC) were voted down at the SC meeting. Shunting the motions to a SC meeting instead of a GM is very sly, as we know, a SC meeting’s outcomes have little if any weight when compared to a GM.
I complained to NSW FT.
They started asking him questions.
Out of the blue yesterday I received an email from the agent, addressed to all owners, announcing he is terminating his management agreement with the strata, giving the required notice.
When I lodged my complaint, NSW FT indicated they will not tell me what “compliance” action if any they would take/are taking against the agent. Nor in time will they tell me of his response. And only if the behaviour is found to be “very serious” would there be mention on the NSW FT’s website.
Is there any way I can find out what NSW FT told him or fined him?
If not, then he can merrily put his name forward to manage other stratas with those that sign him up ignorant of his bad behaviour in my case. Not to mention every other strata he currently manages has no way of knowing of NSW FT’s investigation, its outcomes and why he terminated the contract with my strata just as NSW FT’s invetigation got underway.