Flat Chat Strata Forum Parking Peeves Current Page

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  • #8479

      Hey all,


      I have a similar issue as this old thread, with a few key differences:



      – We are tenants, partway through a one year lease

      – the carpark is unsecured – just an open area with lines and numbers painted on the ground

      – Our spot is part of our lease, but some of the other residents seem to have noticed we don’t have a car and keep parking in our spot (which means our in-laws can’t use it when they visit – and who wants to piss off the in-laws? not I)


      It seems to be one particular unit that’s the main offenders, but not necessarily the same car each time. We’ve tried leaving non-aggressive notes and politely asking people to move when we see them there, but the problem persists once every week or two (that we know of, likely it happens more often when we’re at work) and on the last few occasions the reaction of the offenders has been “Not you again!” and generally a complete lack of shame or apology. Their facial expressions make me worry about potential escalation into verbal abuse or further on their part the next time we ask them to move a car… 


      We’re loathe to talk to the property manager about nagging strata about a bollard, as was suggested to other people – not too keen on rocking the boat and being a bother when I definitely want to get the lease renewed in a few months! Do we have other options? In general, is strata our main port of call or are we meant to contact council/police about this? As tenants, we have no idea what happens with strata in this block, who’s on the EC etc., the most recent notice on the building noticeboard seems to be from ~2010. Should we be trying to contact them directly, or does everything go through our property manager?


      Thanks in advance for any insight.

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    • Author
    • #16866

        I agree you cannot wheel clamp or tow from common property or visitor parking bays, but this is actually ON your property that you are paying for so advise the offending owner in the nicest possible way that the next time your bay is obstructed and you require it you will be getting a tow truck to remove the offending vehicle.

        Whether this is legal or not I don’t know ( but I doubt the offender would either) and the prospect of loosing his car might encourage him to stop offending.

        Phone a tow company up and ask them what is the rules regarding removing cars left on your property. The will def know.

        You might also suggest to your property manager a rent reduction for the parking space you are unable to use. This might make him contact the Strata to get some action against the offenders.

        Police and council will not be interested, it’s strata responsibility.

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