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  • #8491

    I have had a horrible 12 month battle with the wealthy “designer couple” who moved in above me.  I am living on a small fixed income and have owned my unit for many years.  I have learned a lot in the last year and plan to send Jimmy a summary of what I hope will prove to be my successful strategies so others can use my hard earned knowledge.  In my application to the CTTT  I need a source that gives a noise rating of carpet with an underlay as an Lntw score.

    The only source I can find is a terrific table quoted by Jimmy in an article he wrote and referred to often by other writers. [You can easily google this table in Jimmy’s article.] This is the title.

    Table 1

    Typical Performance of Floor Systems and Recommended Citeria

    In order to use this table I need to be able to give a footnoted reference of who the author is.  Can anyone help me please with either the source and author of this table  or another reference that I could use,or suggest an Acoustic Engineer who I could consult.


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  • Author
  • #16926

    Hi Jo,
    I think the table you are looking for is on the Association of Australian Acoustical Consultants guideline which you will find on their website http://www.aaac.org.au

    Mr S


    Thanks Mr S.

    Unfortunately this particular table is not in the AAAC “Guideline forApartment and Townhouse Acoustic Rating”.

    It is the AAAC star rating and the comparison score with carpet that I am after to attach to my application to CTTT.



    I still cannot locate the source of the Acoustic Engineers table comparing various timber floors with carpeting.  I have spent hours on the net and the engineer who did my tap test also could not tell me where to find it.

     Table 1

    Typical Performance of Floor systems and Recommended Criteria.

    Any ideas?


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