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  • #8841

      Excuse me if I sound stunned and flabbergasted but we just had our 2013 Annual General Meeting. (More about that soon.)

      At our AGM last year we voted out our old by-laws and voted in a whole new set of lawyer-written by-laws, the exercise costing the OC over four grand. The by-laws have since been registered but not circulated or published in any way apart from the 2012 AGM agenda. They were approved amended in important ways at the meeting, such as the hours building noise was allowed to be made at he weekend.

      At our recent 2013 AGM I asked why the new by-laws hadn’t been published or circulated and was astounded to be told by our Strata Manager Chairman there is no requirement to do this under the Strata Titles Act NSW. The NSW Office of Fair Trading agrees. (Apart from the requirement that owners give a set of by-laws to their tenants which of course they always do, not…)

      There are many advantages to having all residents know, and be able to easily refer to, the by-laws in our building and some existing problems would be immediately solved.

      Am I right to be so astounded, and what can I do please?

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    • Author
    • #18532

        Get the EC to TELL the SM (he works for the owners) to send a copy to all owners (residents). Not sure if a vote would be required.

        Ask the SM for a copy (hard or emailed).

        Submit a motion to next GM that copy of new bylaws be sent to all residents of the strata (better the residents receive a copy then the offsite owners who won’t be interested).


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