Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #9345
    There seems to be an uncovered  gap between what, for strata properties, is covered by contents insurance and what is covered by the Owners Corporation building insurance.  It seems that anything fixed/built-in is not covered by contents insurance – kitchen cupboards, sink, stove, built-in wardrobes, however it is not always agreed that these things are covered by the building policy.


    We recently had our unit almost entirely flooded by an exploding hot water service – we were away at the time so it wasn’t immediately discovered. The HWS blew out at the top of the tank, flooding the laundry ceiling, walls and wall-mounted clothes drier before then flooding the rest of the unit floor.   

    Contents insurance with NRMA covered replacement of carpet and water damaged clothes drier, but not water damage to laundry light fitting or power points.  It appears the strata building insurance does cover damage that occurred to a vertical duct passing from the top to the bottom of the building, but not the damage within the unit itself.  At the moment it seems that these other items are not covered by the building insurance either.  

    Is there a definitive source at which the question of what is covered by each policy is answered?


    Yours sincerely,

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  • Author
  • #20902

      Strata building insurance DOES cover the things you mention, it could be your SM is too lazy to lodge a claim. The strata insurance covers not only common property but the fixtures and fitting within the lot. It covers everything (just about) included when the house was built and all associated fitting, even improvements are covered under the fixtures and fitting part of the policy.

      Get hold of a copy of the product disclosure statement  (PDS) for strata insurance from your insurance company web site.

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