Flat Chat Strata Forum Living in strata Current Page

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  • #8313

      Halla, I’m just off the boat. Well, been here a couple of years. I have been checking out this site as I have a few problems where I live, block of 40, newly owned by us, Sydney NSW.

      I see in one topic a lady told she is unreasonable wanting noisy birds in her roof above her apartment removed fast. Another lady is criticised because she wants the walkway and bin room clean. A poor guy is told it’s OK for his neighbours to wake him up in the middle of the night.

      You see where I’m coming from?

      I have similar problems. Neighbours who just don’t care a hoot for us who want a nice life with clean and quiet surroundings. We think this is our fundamental right. We pay fees for it of course and no one listens to us as if we are nothing. Strata manager takes no notices.

      In Sweden, people would be considerate of others in these regards. There is zero tolerance of mean ant-social behaviours. Why not here?

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    • #16145

      Wecome That Crazy Swede, to Australia(belated clearly), Strata and Flat Chat Forum. JT is the best.

      Get on the EC as soon as you can, if I may suggest that. So as you may have a voice within your environement. We all want a nice clean life and peaceful surroundings. I can only suggest you keep an open mind as strata life will surely take you through the ringer in years to come. From all sides.


      CBF Cool


        Hello, Not So Crazy Swede.

        Hopefully you and your considerate neighbours will get yourselves onto the Executive Committee and encourage other Owners to think about others.

        Is it still the case that in Sweden, there is no “Welfare housing” , but government housing that anyone can apply to live there?

        I thought it was great that if you moved to another city, you would be able to rent a place fairly easily because the government had built many houses.

        Here, only very low income people can apply, and have to wait 5 or 6+ years before they can move into ‘welfare housing’.


          There is council low income housing in Sweden FlatChatFan, but system doesn’t work so well. There is shortage of housing just like most places I feel.

          I am more concerned with day to day issues where I live now I confess, such as peace and quiet and properly kept surroundings. I try to keep an open mind CBF but it seems here those holding the talking stick just talk and DO nothing.


          So TCS, get yourself in place and grab that talking stick. Can’t help people who don’t help themselves, hope that doesn’t sound insensitive as that is not my intention. Put your hand up for a Committee position at the next AGM and you will have your say. You need no experience so don’t be frightened. Check out the DOFT website for Apartment Living or some other guide to living in Strata, I think JT will be able to guide you with this. Most plans are gagging for interested Owners. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to your future posts.

          Kind Regards, CBF


            It is a shame that a constant problem in strata are residents who are inconsiderate and disrespectful of others and believe any rules or regulations are for someone else, not for them. And that if anything should be done in the complex well someone else should do it. We have the people with the talking stick here too. They wave that stick around at meetings and in your face. Then they go home and pack the talking stick away with the do something stick and put them both in the back of a cupboard.

            I have found great results by personalizing problems in our complex. Rather than the notes that point out that a resident breaking a by law with their actions, notes which are either ignored or found scrunched up and thrown on the ground. So I left a note for our serial offenders. This time I said “your neighbours would really appreciate it if……..” . No quoting by laws, no mention of notice to comply. Not owners corporation or executive committee. I just pointed out that it was actually their neighbours, the people on the other side of the,wall and across from you. The people you see everyday and who see you who are really annoyed by your actions. And guess what? The serial offendrs pulled their head in and stopped. Not that we dont still have our issues here, namely with visitors parking now and again. But the ones causing the constant problems have finally got it. Perhaps some people have little regard for governing bodies and rules and regulations. But they really don’t want anyone to not like them!


            Struggs said: “Perhaps some people have little regard for governing bodies and rules and regulations.”

            But also the rules and regulations very often don’t work. Because they aren’t known, aren’t enforced, take a ridiculously long time to go to mediation or official adjudication and official enforcement. And also because of the modern version of human nature: it’s all about me and mine.

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