Flat Chat Strata Forum Parking Peeves Current Page

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by .
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  • #8501

      Last week my dear EC came up with a solution to once and for all end the problem of parking in the visitors spots. They put up a sign. A sign that does not match any other signage in the complex. The sign says “visitors parking only”. Now there is already a sign that says “visitors parking”. But apparently adding “only” onto a new, very ugly sign will do the trick. There has been no consultation with the owners corp, no notification that this sign would be going up, and no notice to say that residents should not park in visitors car parks. They also have refused to send out NTC s to any of the regulars.

      And though my photos taking has proved fairly successful in scaring away residents from parking, at the same time that this sign goes up, one of our esteemed EC members parks there. I am really angry that this EC decides to spend our money, and presumably this EC parker voted for this sign, and put up a sign that a member of the EC can ignore at his hearts content.

      My question is, should the EC have notified the OC that this sign was going up and if for that matter we even wanted it? As this sign changes the appearance of the common property in that it does not match other signage, should they have had a meeting to decide and discuss? Should this be minuted? We last had signs put up to meet the conditions of our insurer due to areas of the complex not meeting BCA standards. Does the OC need to be noticed I it is not a safety issue despite the spending limit of the EC?

      This is not the first time that this EC has made a change to the common pretty without consultation or notification nor explanation. We have had a change that we cannot figure out why a large post was erected next to a tree! And it is not the first time that this rogue parking EC member has seen fit to make a decision against one resident for something he was doing himself.

      This EC appears to think that the addition of a four letter word is all they need to make a difference. I can think of some four letter words I will be using towards them when next I see them. Meanwhile the wood rot is worsening and affecting the appearance of the complex…………….

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    • #17816

        Struggs – you’re correct in that your Owners Corporation (O/C) cannot make changes to its Common Property without first putting its proposal/s to Owners at a General Meeting, and having those authorised by way of a Special Resolution.

        Whilst Cl 65A of the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act (1996) includes a specific reference to “changes” involving the erection of structures, and your Executive Committee’s (E/C) signage would certainly be captured by that reference, Cl 65A also states the changes that require the O/C’s prior authorisation are those proposed “for the purpose of improving or enhancing the common property”, and I’m not sure that advisory signage fits that prerequisite.

        As for the E/C advising the O/C of its intentions re the signage, in normal circumstances I doubt that’s necessary given it’s hardly a big-ticket item in terms of expenditure, but if there’s any relevant restriction on expenditure by the E/C or a limit (Plans >100 Lots) then yes your O/C should have been advised.  

        I know that the improper use of visitor parking spaces in your Plan is a long-standing problem that you’ve been trying to address with varying degrees of success, and forgive me in advance for asking this, but have you ever lodged an Application for a Compliance with By-Law Order under S138? 

        If you haven’t, it would certainly give your E/C Member some hurry-up and send everyone else a message; even if you only warned him that you would go in that direction!

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