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  • #11972

      Ours is a 12 year old building. Every time we lodge a claim under machinery insurance, we are confronted with “”wear & tear “”, poor maintenance etc to avoid payment.

      Our major machines are lifts, fire safety, pumps and all are old, thus subject to wear and tear classification.

      Is machinery insurance mandatory under Strata Act ?

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    • Author
    • #30638

        The machinery is common property and you have to insure it,.  But you’re not insuring it against breakdown due to wear and tear, your insuring it against some catastrophe like a fire or it being damaged as a consequence of some unexpected event.

        Take your car insurance, for instance.  That doesn’t cover your annual service or break-downs.  It covers it for theft and accident.

        Your real “insurance” against the wear and tear of machinery comes in the form of regular professional maintenance.  That’s the price you pay for making sure things work when you need them to.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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