Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

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  • #10191

    Seeing the story recently on a current affair has made think about how some owners and managers are exploiting this rule.  It is certainly the case for me.  if I ask a question or request some type of investigation into the financial records.  I find myself either shut out or worse still, to be arrears, yet the other owners are not.  The marjority do nothing and not even residents of the building.  1 owner has taken it upon themselves to have the owners “bully” us into silence and stop asking questions or requesting any type of investigation into the financial records.  For the past few years every type of meeting has been conducted in some way illegally and there has never been an executive committee to my knowledge. Motions have been added at meetings without due notice, resolutions have been without motions clearly stating what they mean or how they should be voted upon. The  strata manager has lied in minutes but has the marjority of the owners support as they just vote in agreement to anything put in front of them. Perhaps your strata manager does what they are told because they want to have money rolling in without doing anything. Strata levies are decided upon by the manager and resolved without question. They say its the owners who decide but when an amount is written in the agenda, it is always accepted and resolved. I know strata costs are high but really when you think about it should be that much just for everyday costs that a person already does, such as water, electricity and general  maintenance.  The only thing that is high is strata management fees and some managers don’t even come on site to check they just send some tradesperson out and with a little investigation you will probably find that they are are uninsured and unqualified but they are given the job and if someting happens and the person is injured Owners corps can be sued for this and how many owners corps know if they are really insured and for the correct things and the correct amount, for example our owners corp can be ripped off in many thousands of dollars but we are only insured for fidelity upto $100,000. Also with most properties being investments not many owners verify what is done and just pay what the manager sends out in an invoice.  What do you do when you are left feeling that you must follow as sheep and do as you are told, when all the evidence points to something not right but no one wants to listen and you as a lone person are made out to be the scapegoat for trying to do the right thing and follow the legislation?  Am I alone in the crazy world of strata or are there others out there?

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  • #24089

      No mikobrand96 you are definitely not alone. I can’t wait for the joint Sydney Morning Herald / Four Corners investigation of the whole ‘industry’. There will surely be one.


        I too am facing a wall of obstruction when it comes to accessing the records. I even applied to the Tribunal and they found against me.

        I am wondering if the local court is the better venue to get the EC membership to explain their actions, and to repay the money they withdrew without a meeting.


          Trule – as you too have experienced frustration with the decisions of the NCAT Tribunal, perhaps you’d like to send the details to Jimmy T in accordance with his recent post below (it can’t do any harm).

          I too am becoming discouraged by some of the decisions coming out of NCAT which seems to be even more anti-individual than its unlamented predecessor, the CTTT, in its “Send In The Clowns” days.

          As soon as I get back to Australia, I plan to start asking the Attorney General’s office how they can justify some of the stupid, unfair and ignorant decisions that have been coming out of this department that now comes under their aegis.

          If any of you have any examples that you think are beyond reasonable explanation, please drop me a line, either online or via mail@flatchat.com.au and I will get back to doing what we started in Flat Chat 11 years ago – kicking ass and taking names.

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