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  • #9935


      I was an active EC member of 10 years until I have moved out and I now have tenants in my property. I resigned from the EC as am now interstate and cannot attend meetings or keep an eye out on the 33 unit building. My question is: how do I get the minutes of meetings held , how do I keep up with decisions made by the existing EC re: my asset. I have emailed the exec a couple of times and not received a response. My address was on the exec email mailing list, and I was happy keeping up to date with that, and made no comment. The last email I saw was an exec committee member writing to strata manager (that managed list) that this email was for exec members only……then I have heard nothing since. I am completely in the dark to what is happening at this building. What to do ? Thanks

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    • #23192

        Unfortunately there is no requirement (in NSW) at least that you be sent a copy of Exec Committee Minutes, putting them up on a noticeboard will suffice.

        Have you requested that the Managing Agent email you a copy – he/she doesn’t have to but may be willing to do so. 

        You are entitled to look at the records of an Owners Corporation at the Managing Agent’s premises, and copy those records, on payment of a fee. You could authorise someone else to do that for you. 

        I’d suggest that you keep an eye on your property whenever you can get the opportunity.  If you need to travel to do so, reasonable costs involved in inspecting your property should be a tax deductible expense. 


          ….and just to clarify, if the Owners Corporation of simone42 ‘s 33 Lot Plan is not required by its By-Laws to have a Notice Board or if for some other reason it doesn’t have one, then the Agenda for Executive Committee Meetings must be provided to each Owner at least 72 hours beforehand, and the Minutes of such Meetings must be similarly provided within 7 days of their conclusion.

          Reference: NSW Strata Schemes Management Act / Schedule 3 / Clauses 6(2) and 16(3).


            Thanks for your information – I will try to arrange with the strata manager to email me the minutes – on a separate mailing list than the EC :)

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