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    My parter and I are currently 9 months in to a 12 month lease and due to the recent cold weather we are experiencing huge issues with venitaltion and mould. The apartment has high ceilings, no windows and only massive glass doors which cannot be left open during the day as they have no screens and we both work full time. There is mould growing on most of the walls and we have lost a few appliances, items of clothing etc to it. Strata have recently had remedial building inspectors in who inspected our apartment in particular and have pointed out massive flaws in the building. While we have spoken to our real estate agent- their solution was to leave a dehumidifier on 24/7 which is not really financially viable or something we feel we should have to do.


    Basically I am after some advice because I am concerned about or belongings and our health!


    Thanks :)

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  • #19049

      As you’ve stated that the mould has developed during the recent cold weather, I’ll assume that it’s presence or likelihood wasn’t noted on your incoming Condition Report.

      That being the case,  your Landlord has to maintain their premises in “reasonable repair” (NSW Residential Tenancies Act), and whilst you must ensure that you do nothing to make the situation worse, that doesn’t extend to operating a dehumidifier!

      You have a couple of choices.

      The first is to end your tenancy, and the second is to again approach your Landlord via the Property Manager (Rental Agent), this time in writing to politely demand that they commence the repairs identified by the building inspectors within a reasonable timeframe; say 7 days given the time that the issue has been known to them.

      Keep records of everything written and stated verbally, because if nothing positive occurs within your requested timeframe, your next action (in NSW) is to seek Orders from the Consumer, Trader, and Tenancy Tribunal compelling your Landlord to make the repairs.

      IF it comes to that, I advise you to first contact your local State/Territory Tenants’ Advisory/Advocacy Group; 02 9698 5975 in Sydney or http://www.tenants.org.au Statewide.




      Hi melissaaimee/whale,

      Having had health issues due to mould in a Strata Unit (which sounds remarkably similar to your complex – I hope you’re not in the same one!) it’s not the cold weather that is the problem but moisture. Mould growth is caused because the conditions are ripe for growth with the affected surroundings (common property) that provide the ideal conditions for mould growth.

      The ‘wet’ weather may have helped exasperate the growth but the mould would have been there prior (lot of moulds/toxins are invisible), but it seems like your landlord and OC have established the presence of mould.

      My advice would be to express your concerns with the landlord in a formal letter, seek a proposal to address the issue and state a reasonable timeframe for a response. Outline any further concerns you may have to ensure you are both on the same page. If you don’t hear back in a timely manner, apply to CTTT to have the issue formally dealt with.

      With regards to the mould, the health issues can be excessive. If you have allergy like symptoms get checked by a specialist and tell them about the conditions you are living in. If a general ‘pin prick’ test is not conclusive (you may actually have an allergic disposition), there is a blood test available that is ‘a lot’ more conclusive. Either way an allergy specialist should be able to help you both out if you are suffering.

      Best of luck and I hope it works out… if it doesn’t, you should move out!

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