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      I’m a property owner and my tenant reported that they had mould in the bathroom. The property was renovated completely (new kitchen, bathroom, carpets etc) 6 months prior, so I was a bit surprised.


      I went round with some paint with some fungicide and painted the ceiling.


      About six months later, the tenant again reported that there was mould in the bathroom. Again, went round and painted the ceiling with a paint that contained a fungicide.


      Sent an e-mail asking the tenant to make sure that they keep the top window in the bathroom slightly ajar so that there would be sufficient airflow in the bathroom. There is a small grating at the top of the window, however, was dirty and very little air comes through it even if it was cleaned.


      Tenant responded that if they left the bathroom window ajar, it might negate any contents insurance they have. Tenant also wrote that it would also be cold in winter. They also wrote that they never leave any of the windows in the place open whilst they are at work. They asked if I could put some extractor fan in.


      I considered this, however, the window belongs to the OC and any fan there would actually weaken the glass. Also, would somehow need to rewire it so that when they switched on the light in the bathroom, the fan would turn on.


      I’m trying to determine when and if they open any of the windows in my property.


      If my tenants don’t open the window in the bathroom, let alone anywhere else in my property, the mould will keep recurring. Is it reasonable of me to expect a tenant to open a window during the day? How can I provide a healthy property if my tenants don’t want to open the windows?



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    • #18433

        You sound like a very diligent landlord, most tenants would love to have you.  

        A primary cause of damp and hence mould is lack of ventilation.  This is particularly the case in a bathroom.  I don’t think it is unreasonable to ask a tenant to open a window to allow for ventilation in a room.  As regards security, it isn’t clear what kind of window it is, can it be fixed so it can be opened to a point but no further?

        More generally – it is a good idea to have a fan in a bathroom and I think current standards require that there be one in a bathroom (I might be wrong, feel free to correct me).  Is there any way of putting a fan in a wall?  Either way you would have to get OC approval.

        Finally – were there mould problems in the bathroom prior to the tenant being there, because if not, this suggests that the tenant may be causing the problem, either by not opening the window or some other mysterious thing they are doing.

        Incidentally – the most effective treatment for mould is oil of cloves diluted in water.  It actually kills the mould spores.



          Thanks for the response Scotlandx.

          The top window can’t be fixed so that it won’t open more than a certain amount. The bottom one certainly can as there is a window lock there. The lock was put on in the mid 80’s by my mother to allow her to keep the window open and prevent people from opening it further.

          The bottom window is about 8 metres from the ground.

          As for putting a fan in a wall, yes, OC approval would most definitely be needed. Even if I could get that, it would mean that the bathroom would need to be rewired to ensure the fan goes on when the light goes on.

          As for mould issue before the tenant moved in. I don’t believe so as I did a complete renovation 6 months prior. The place was repainted and I specified that the paint had to have mould killer in it.

          I’ll keep your suggestion about oil of cloves on hand. Where can I get it from?


            You’re welcome!

            You can get oil of cloves at the chemist, or go here http://www.oilofcloves.com.au. (no I have no association with that site!)

            Only you would know how much of a security risk it would be to leave the window open, another option is bars for security.  Again you would need OC approval, but they can’t really refuse that.  Similarly if you were refused permission to put a fan in the bathroom you would have good grounds for saying they were unreasonable.  

            The tenant sounds pretty precious, if they are so intent on keeping the windows shut then no wonder there is a problem.  Because of an issue we have had here, I know far more about damp than I have ever wanted to know, and it is confounding how people think that it is fine to have absolutely no air passing through.  And then they wonder why it is damp.

            Re the rewiring, I don’t really agree that the fan would have to come on with the light, that would drive me crazy, I like to be able to do the light and fan separately, because you don’t always need the fan, and I hate the noise they make.  But that’s just me.


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