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  • #8254

      We had approval (body corp by-law and Council) to demolish our internal walls during major renovation. Co-axial TV cabling for 3 neighbouring units was running through one of our walls and was cut during demolition. It was not shown on the building plans. We were hit with a bill of almost $800 by the electician who was called by the Strata Managers to repair the neighbours’

      tv reception. Our builder and architect say that the neighbours’ wiring should not have been inside our internal wall and the body corporate should be responsible for the cost because it’s the building’s problem. The Strata Manager says it’s our responsibility because our builder cut the cabling. We (of course!) agree with the builder, but if we are wrong and it was our responsibility, shouldn’t we have been given the opportunity to at least get a quote? We have no idea how it could have cost so much. 

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    • Author
    • #15894

        Hi Gloriajean,

        More information, can you describe your complex please and is your walls timber with gyprock or masonry and rendered? Then I can give you some advice.

        Chris Mo’ane Integrated Consultancy Group

        @gloriajean said:

        We had approval (body corp by-law and Council) to demolish our internal walls during major renovation. Co-axial TV cabling for 3 neighbouring units was running through one of our walls and was cut during demolition. It was not shown on the building plans. We were hit with a bill of almost $800 by the electician who was called by the Strata Managers to repair the neighbours’

        tv reception. Our builder and architect say that the neighbours’ wiring should not have been inside our internal wall and the body corporate should be responsible for the cost because it’s the building’s problem. The Strata Manager says it’s our responsibility because our builder cut the cabling. We (of course!) agree with the builder, but if we are wrong and it was our responsibility, shouldn’t we have been given the opportunity to at least get a quote? We have no idea how it could have cost so much. 


          @IBC said:

          Hi Gloriajean,

          More information, can you describe your complex please and is your walls timber with gyprock or masonry and rendered? Then I can give you some advice.

          Chris Mo’ane Integrated Consultancy Group

          Thanks Chris – masonry and rendered I think


            Cabling will not necessarily show on building plans. It certainly does not appear on our building plans (built 8 years ago).  And services to lots can most certainly run through other lot’s internal walls.  

            The OC is responsible for the repair and maintenance of services if they service more than 1 lot (common services).  But you did get permission from the OC to demolish the wall.  The OC permission should have stated that you would be responsible for costs of restoring any services to other lots that you might accidentally disrupt.


              Thanks for the further information: I am assuming that you live in a multi level high rise strata complex, I can’t talk to any other State except NSW, however if I have correctly guessed your complex construction, the internal walls of your unit are common property. You only own the Air Space and the paint on the walls, this is something that many Owners don’t know. As such on being given permission to alter the wall (common property) it is unfortunately your responsibility to complete the work in a manner that protects the Common Property (including wiring of any type) as such the OC has the right to a) take what action is required to make the repairs and to seek reimbursement from the lot Owner. The only question is whether the cost was reasonable. It would seem to me that as the repairs affected Other Owners the action taken was timely and reasonable. Sorry I can’t support your situation, but it’s better you understand how it works. If the circumstances are different then those I have a summed then the requirements may be different.

              Chris Mo’ane GMD
              Integrated Consultancy Group.

              @IBC said:

              Hi Gloriajean,

              More information, can you describe your complex please and is your walls timber with gyprock or masonry and rendered? Then I can give you some advice.

              Chris Mo’ane Integrated Consultancy Group

              @gloriajean said:

              We had approval (body corp by-law and Council) to demolish our internal walls during major renovation. Co-axial TV cabling for 3 neighbouring units was running through one of our walls and was cut during demolition. It was not shown on the building plans. We were hit with a bill of almost $800 by the electician who was called by the Strata Managers to repair the neighbours’

              tv reception. Our builder and architect say that the neighbours’ wiring should not have been inside our internal wall and the body corporate should be responsible for the cost because it’s the building’s problem. The Strata Manager says it’s our responsibility because our builder cut the cabling. We (of course!) agree with the builder, but if we are wrong and it was our responsibility, shouldn’t we have been given the opportunity to at least get a quote? We have no idea how it could have cost so much. 


                Just found this in the famous Who’s Responsible Memorandum put together by the NSW Lands office and Fair Trading (and many others) to clarify disputes:

                2.13 General – OC responsibility

                h. TV aerial and associated wiring (servicing more than one lot and regardless of whether it is contained within any lot or common property).

                What does this mean in this case? Firstly, the Owner’s Corp were duty bound to fix the problem.  However, knowing you were going to demolish that wall, they should have alerted you to the fact that there were common property cables in it (if, in fact, they knew themselves).  I’d be going to mediation with a view to sharing responsibility with them and splitting the cost accordingly.

                The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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