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  • #36036

      Our Strata Cttee have developed a new set of draft by-laws based on the recent legislation. They plan to present the new draft by-laws for a vote at an EGM. The problem is that there have been significant changes to existing by-laws and instead of voting on individual changes we are expected to vote on the all of the by-laws in their entirety.

      The most significant change is that our by-law banning pets has been changed to pets being allowed. This exisitng by-law was passed a couple of years ago after rigorous discussion and with the necessary 75% majority. It seems the cttee, some of whom who are pro pets (one of whom keeps a pet, in blatant disregard of the current by-laws) are trying to push through a number of changes by incorporating them in a larger document with a lack of appropriate transparency.

      Is this allowable, can individual existing by laws be changed without a vote on that individual by-law?


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