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- This topic has 14 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 3 months ago by .
17/10/2012 at 4:16 pm #8487
Hi All
Our strata plan just had an AGM that I was unable to attend in person.
I wrote to the licensee advising that I would telephoning in 2 weeks prior unless he objected. The objection came 30 minutes prior to the AGM whilst I wsa interstate.
As such and being a complete newbie I have some points that I hope people can clarify:
– agent claimed that it was no legal to have a teleconferance. Is this true?
– several owners who live onsite are parking illegally and they have minuted that they are to formalise these additional parking spots. As there not enough for all the units, surely it cannot be legal for them to attain a gain at expense of other owners?
– several owners have undertaken additions to their units oer time (air cons, shutters etc) none of which are noted in any by law. The agent has stated because approval was given by the previous agent in writing then that is sufficient. Is this true?
– the strata plan and council records show that the property has carports. Several of these have been enclosed over time without any documented approval and now these owners want their doors replaced. The current agent has referred to some basic notes referring to doors and garage keys and has stated as such, despite what the plans state, they are common property. Is this correct?
Any assistance anyone has would be greatly appreciated.
28/10/2012 at 2:44 pm #17015
There are a number of very different questions here – do give the Office of Fair Trading help line a call. The questions you are asking are valid, and you are right to be concerned. It is useful strategy to ask ‘dumb questions’ of both your strata manager and EC once you know got the correct response from the OFT. You can then gauge from the response how to move.
Good luck
Alley cat
28/10/2012 at 3:15 pm #17016@chilliblue said:
Hi All– the strata plan and council records show that the property has carports. Several of these have been enclosed over time without any documented approval and now these owners want their doors replaced. The current agent has referred to some basic notes referring to doors and garage keys and has stated as such, despite what the plans state, they are common property. Is this correct?
If these were installed illegally without a corresponding bylaw stating who is responsible for the on going maintenance, the only duty that the Strata has is to return them to their original state (This only applies if owner requesting it is not the owner who installed it). If the owner who installed it is requesting it you can tell him to get lost as it was an illegal install and he (NOT Strata) has to return the structure to it’s original state.
It’s weird that once ownership changes in NSW it becomes Strata responsibility to restore the common property rather than the new owner.
28/10/2012 at 3:56 pm #17018It’s sound advice to contact the Office of Fair Trading (assuming you’re in NSW), but be warned, their response can differ depending upon the precise questions you ask and who you speak with.
In the meantime, here’s my response to the basic issues you raise – again assuming that your Strata Plan is in NSW:
1) Holding a General Meeting via a teleconference isn’t illegal, but it’s highly unusual as a the voting intentions of an absent Owner is customarily expressed via a Proxy (i.e. someone you know who is attending the Meeting), where you can give written instructions about how wish to vote on each Motion of the Agenda.
2) Your Owners Corporation should not allocate visitors carspaces to individual Owners as these would have been designated for “visitors” by the Local Council at the time that the Development of your Strata Plan was approved, and allocating them to individuals would breach that Approval.
If these carspaces are unallocated (i.e. not for visitors or for any Lot in particular), then they may allocated to individual Owners BUT this would require the prior agreement of at least 75% of Owners present personally or by proxy at a General Meeting followed by the Registration of an Exclusive Use By-Law and a payment to the Owners Corporation by those individual Owners of an amount ($) equivalent to the increased value of each of their properties as a consequence of the fact that they now have an allocated carspace.
3) There should either be a Special By-Law (as above) in place to permit all Owners (who want) to install air-conditioners and shutters etc to do so or a prior written consent issued to each Owner individually by the Owners Corporation including a condition that those Owners are responsible for the maintenance and repair of those “additions” (particularly the aircon). Depending upon the delegations granted to the Strata Manager, they could issue that consent on behalf of the Owners Corporation
4) This is why your Owners Corporation should have Registered a Special By-Law with conditions or issued a written prior consent with conditions to each Owner who wanted to enclose their carports, because in the absence of conditions such as one about the Owners being responsible for on-going maintenance and repairs of the additions (i.e. the doors) then the Owners Corporation becomes responsible for that maintenance as the additions are by default deemed to be Common Property.
So now that you have my comments and after you have obtained comments from the Office of Fair Trading, what are you going to do?
Well, if you really want to have the matters discussed and properly resolved, you need to “requisition” a General Meeting of the Owners Corporation. You can either ask the Secretary of your Executive Committee to do that, or if they refuse, obtain written support to do that from at least 25% of all the Owners in your Plan (like a petition). In both instances, you will need to write down the details (perhaps using the 4 points above) and give that to the Secretary, who in the latter case must then convene a General Meeting to discuss and resolve them.
I’ve deliberately omitted some of the complexities, but hopefully the totality of the advice you receive will be a start.
28/10/2012 at 5:41 pm #17021Whale said
4) This is why your Owners Corporation should have Registered a Special By-Law with conditions or issued a written prior consent with conditions to each Owner who wanted to enclose their carports, because in the absence of conditions such as one about the Owners being responsible for on-going maintenance and repairs of the additions (i.e. the doors) then the Owners Corporation becomes responsible for that maintenance as the additions are by default deemed to be Common Property.I agree with everything you have said except this bit. The OC is ONLY responsible for returning the property to it’s original state (without any doors, just a carport) otherwise every man and his dog would be making alterations and additions to their property without permission on the understanding that it becomes common property and OC responsibility to maintain.
I cannot quote a source for this just my understanding of previous post here and elsewhere. If I’m wrong please let me know.
29/10/2012 at 10:43 am #17024G’day kiwipaul – it’s often necessary to read between the lines of some posts, and with regard to chilliblue’s post I assumed that as the carports are shown on the Strata Plan and are presumably within the stratum, then there’s a better than average chance that they form part of the Lots concerned, and that as such their external areas including vertical supports and the roofs are Common Property.
So in that circumstance, S65A of the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act (the Act) applies, where the Owners Corporation (O/C) can authorise individual Proprietors to make additions / changes to that Common Property by way of a Special By-Law (SBL) with standard conditions, or by way of a Consent (under that SBL) with specific conditions.
The Act states that unless the O/C’s consent includes a condition that on-going maintenance of the addition/ alteration to the Common Property is the responsibility of the Proprietor, and that Proprietor agrees, then all maintenance and repairs becomes the responsibility of the O/C [S65A(3)].
In chilliblue’s case, I again assumed that as the additions/changes to the carports had been done “over time and without any documented approval” (read no authorisation, no consent, no conditions), that those additions /changes would now be deemed Common Property and be the responsibility of the O/C.
So back to your point about what’s stopping “every man and his dog making alterations and additions to their property without permission on the understanding that it becomes common property and O/C responsibility to maintain”?
Well, the answer at my Plan is a really diligent Executive Committee, (hopefully) honest Proprietors who own-up if they’re the ones who made the alterations/ changes, and a Special By-Law supported by a Register of Common Property Additions /Changes stating that any additions / changes that are not shown on the Register are unauthorised under S65A, and that maintenance and repairs of those are the responsibility of the present and subsequent Proprietor/s of the Lot/s concerned.
PS — I just hope that after all this chilliblue‘s in NSW and not in some other country (like Queensland Aye) where different rules may well apply
. Wouldn’t consistency be great!
29/10/2012 at 12:44 pm #17025Good return Whale but my problem is with
Well, the answer at my Plan is a really diligent Executive Committee, (hopefully) honest Proprietors who own-up if they’re the ones who made the alterations/ changes, and a Special By-Law supported by a Register of Common Property Additions /Changes stating that any additions / changes that are not shown on the Register are unauthorised under S65A, and that maintenance and repairs of those are the responsibility of the present and subsequent Proprietor/s of the Lot/s concerned.
The honest owners aren’t the problem because when situation is explained to them they will do the right thing. It’s the blodgers I’ve a problem with that will exploit the situation for all it’s worth and lie and cheat to obtain a result for themselves (I know because we have one).
Also the number of strata that have a special bylaw as you sugested would be less than 1% (I suspect) and even if they did manageing this register would be a nightmare IMHO and so only possible in a really well run Strata (which 90% are not)
29/10/2012 at 1:51 pm #17026KP, I’m afraid i have to disagree with your figures. Just about every strata plan with which I’ve been involved has a special resolution by-law or two tucked away somewhere. It’s how we customise the ‘model’ by-laws to suit the specifics of each strata development.
The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
29/10/2012 at 2:08 pm #17028Thanks KP – as we currently have 5 Special By-Laws registered covering everything from the operation and use of the site’s security system (swipe-cards & CCTV) to the placement of solar arrays / hotwater tanks on the common property (roof), all written and submitted for registration to NSW Land & Property Information (formerly the Land Titles Office) by me, and I maintain the Additions/Changes Register, I guess that makes ours one of the 10% (that are well managed); even though I had to Google “IMHO”.
I agree with you though, all that would be difficult in anything other than a self-managed Plan (which ours is) where I have only that one Plan and its 27 Owners to worry about, whereas a Strata Manager (even a good one) with many Plans to look after would have little or no hope.
29/10/2012 at 6:08 pm #17031@JimmyT said:
KP, I’m afraid i have to disagree with your figures. Just about every strata plan with which I’ve been involved has a special resolution by-law or two tucked away somewhere. It’s how we customise the ‘model’ by-laws to suit the specifics of each strata development.Are you telling me Jimmy that in NSW most strata bylaws include something like this
and a Special By-Law supported by a Register of Common Property Additions /Changes stating that any additions / changes that are not shown on the Register are unauthorised under S65A, and that maintenance and repairs of those are the responsibility of the present and subsequent Proprietor/s of the Lot/s concerned.
I think it’s an excellent idea and it would put the onus on the owners to obtain permission before doing improvements otherwise it’s their problem in the future (instead of strata).
I accept that most (99%) have various bylaws tailored for their situation which is different from the standard bylaws but I was referring to a specific bylaw as proposed by Whale regarding responsibility for unauthorized alterations / improvements.
I accept you know more about NSW bylaws than myself as I’ve only ever seen the standard ones but going by the issues this and other sites throw up it doesn’t seem common to me.
Maybe it should be added to the default bylaws so it applies everywhere unless changed.
30/10/2012 at 12:07 am #17033I certainly wouldn’t say they were commonplace but I would would reckon there’s a lot more than 1 percent of strata plans that have these modifications either from inception or which have evolved. For instance, any strata plan that has a mixture of commercial and residential lots will have a raft of special by-laws to govern who is responsible for what.
Specific wording aside, – because that’s down to whoever drafts it – any special resolution exclusive use by-law will or should have clauses establishing that part of the trade-off for allowing exclusive use is that the beneficiary becomes responsible for the transferred properties’ upkeep.The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
30/10/2012 at 7:39 am #17034KP, if you could me a complex with honest owners who will do the right thing, please let me now as that is where is would like to live. In my complex, I know that owners have made changes within their units without permission. It is impossible to police even if we did have a well functioning EC. To ensure no changes are made we would have to inspect all units regularly referring to the original plans to check.
I am an honest owner but I think I will now jump on the band wagon. I am tired of being the Lone Ranger. What can the EC do to me when they don’t take action against those who they know have done something? I could go and put scaffolding out the front and what can they do? When others have left building materials and skips outside on common property for weeks and that’s been ok by our EC even when I complained. But what can you expect from a system where it states there are by laws that are to be followed, but there is no obligation or responsibility to enforce those by laws, but if you do make a change and the EC/OC let it go, then the other owners are responsible for your illegal handiwork should it all go awry. So people like me are left to fork out because people have called in a favor or rang uncle Jimmy to come over and rip out a wall, change the layout, change the windows. A system where there were by laws that had to be enforced, where there a responsibility to ensure they are enforced, and to make all owners present and subsequent responsible for any changes within their lot, with or without permission, in a complex with honest residents who do the right thing, that is where I would like to live.
30/10/2012 at 11:44 am #17038@JimmyT said:
Specific wording aside, – because that’s down to whoever drafts it – any special resolution exclusive use by-law will or should have clauses establishing that part of the trade-off for allowing exclusive use is that the beneficiary becomes responsible for the transferred properties’ upkeep.
I thinkyou are missing the point that Whale and I are making. At the moment in NSW unauthorized alterations can fall on the OC to repair the changes or restore to origional configuration.
Whales bylaw would reverse this generally for the strata complex such that any alteration not authorized and approved with a siuitable bylaw would remain the reasponsibilty of the current owner and subsequent owner to maintain (instead of at present defaulting to strata on sale). This would solve at least on of OP issues.
To me this seems so obvious that it should be included in the NSW gov model bylaws, then at least you have the likehod of it being included in 99% of any new strata that is registered as most use the model bylaws with a few additions.
30/10/2012 at 11:50 am #17040@struggler said:
KP, if you could me a complex with honest owners who will do the right thing, please let me now as that is where is would like to live.So would I but at least in QLD alteration made to the property remain the reasponsibility of the lot owner (even if they didn’t obtain approval) and far more of the internals of the lot are lot reasponsibility than in NSW.
In a Standard Format strata with free standing homes in QLD the total building can be owners reasponsibility.
30/10/2012 at 3:05 pm #17044
@kiwipaul said:I thinkyou are missing the point that Whale and I are making. At the moment in NSW unauthorized alterations can fall on the OC to repair the changes or restore to origional configuration.
My mistake. We have exactly that by-law in our building and for exactly those reasons. But that is another thing that should be included in the current strata review (along with the 600 other suggestions.)
The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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