- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by .
Here’s a conundrum for both tenants and landlords – would you pay more to have energy efficient appliances in your rented apartment?
The answer for tenants is easy. Energy efficient appliances cost less to run and they’re environmentally right-on.
For landlords, it’s a bit trickier. You get the green glow of environmental goodness, but would you pay more for appliances so your tenants have to pay less in bills? Perhaps you’d hope to attract a more considerate class of tenants.
Reader australiana alerted us to an article in the New York Times quoting research that shows 45 percent of owner-occupied units have Energy Star-rated washing machines, but only 17 percent of rental units.
“Even accounting for factors like household income, demographics, energy prices and weather, there are still big differences,” says the article.
OK, that was the USA where some citizens think Greenies are Satanists with Communistic tendencies. But right here in Oz, a cursory search of the Domain rental website couldn’t find any responses to the phrase ‘energy efficient’.
Would energy star rated appliances be a deal-breaker if you were choosing a new apartment? Read the discussion on the Forum, meanwhile, here’s a link to the New York Times article.
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