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  • #11648

      Hi there, Read in a previous  post and can’t find the reference sorry. Upstairs repeatedly run their appliance out of civilised hours. plus in the a.m – breakfast time.   The noise reverberates in our place.   Sturdy old solid brick building and shouldn’t happen.  We’ve reported politely to tenants; told them re by laws. Got ignored.Think no one else in building affected. 

      Previous post in FC suggests flooring could be problem. Don’t think so, due to said reverberation. Occasionally woof woof music out of hours no worries to them apparently. They are tenants and we don’t want to get them in trouble if at all possible.  Seem to have tried everything apart from screaming on common property. 

      Thank you so much to anyone with a tip?

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    • #29410
      Lady Penelope

        Bonnie L – Can you provide some details about what appliances may be causing your problems? Washing machine, dryer, TV etc???

        BONNIE L

          Thank you Lady P.   Sounds like a dishwasher going by the whirring – stop -whirring effect, though could be a washing machine. 

          Still trying to negotiate with tenants, as it’s not all the time; only when  trying  to sleep or digest an early breakfast in comparative peace.  Maybe they are troubled by something we are doing. Yet to establish that.    

          Lady Penelope

            BONNIE L – Perhaps the dishwasher or washing machine are old and are no longer operating as quietly as they should be.

            These items may be the responsibility of the owner to replace rather than the tenant. Perhaps the owner needs to be notified about the noisy appliances?


              I have to confess I’m a little shocked at the consideration being given to these rude and inconsiderate people.

              You are entitled by law and (probably) by by-laws to “the peaceful enjoyment of your lot”.

              Once somebody knows that their noise, regardless of its cause, is disturbing you, then it’s only reasonable to expect them to do something about it.  That they have chosen not to means you may now feel free to be at least as inconsiderate as them.

              This is what I would do. 

              First, I’d send them a note saying that they are in breach of the by-laws, strata laws and local council noise laws and you are giving them one final chance to pull their heads in. 

              I would explain that, in case they didn’t know it, by being in breach of these laws and by-laws they could be subject to fines.  Also, if they are found to breached strata laws and by-laws then they are in breach of their lease and could be evicted.

              But none of this is necessary if they just showed a little consideration for their neighbours. It’s their call:  Pull their heads in or start thinking about where they are going to live next.

              If that doesn’t do the trick, I’d drag them and their landlord through Fair Trading and NCAT, call the police very time they made a peep after 10pm and generally make them want to move out rather than wait to be evicted … all with an apologetic smile that said “I tried to warn you …”

              But maybe that’s just me.

              The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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