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  • #11436

      Hi there,  Thanks for great discussions. Is anyone familiar with numbers of owners, or ratio of owners required, for a vote on an issue?  According to the latest NSW strata rules, that is?  Any thoughts much appreciated.   

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    • #28566
      Sir Humphrey

        Depends what the issue is. Some things are a simple majority of yes over no votes among those who take part in a general meeting. Some things require a ‘special resolution’. Some things must be ‘unopposed’. Others can provide details but you really need to read the Act and see what applies to your ‘issue’. 

        A further wrinkle is that an owner can call for a ‘poll vote’, in which case votes are weighted according to unit entitlements rather than one unit=one vote. 

        BONNIE L

          Thank you Sir H. It’s about numbers of owners according to the new rules.  Think it was half or more under the old rules.     

          Do-nothing parties are cautioning  may seek a tribunal determination on a major job.

          The committee has been doing everything possible to get the right practitioners secured for the project, and not necessarily being heard at strata level. 

          Pressed for time for my part on perusing paperwork..thanks though. 

          BONNIE L

            Also, I’ve been told it’s a matter of getting agenda items noted ahead of a strata meeting.  Mine have been heeded only intermittently so far, as am not across the process.  

             It’s really critical for me and others to get an item noticed on this major work once the details are ready.


              I’m confused.  You seem to be asking how many owners need to support a motion before it can be included on an agenda.

              Or is it how big a majority you need to pass a motion?

              If the question is simply how do you get a motion on the agenda, the answer is that you simply make sure it is submitted on time and follow up with a reminder to the secretary and strata manager before the agenda is due to be issued.

              If it’s not on the agenda, tell them they need to reschedule the meeting and put it on the agenda or you will take it to NCAT.

              FYI: The law says any motion can be added to the agenda provided it is submitted to the secretary before the agenda is issued.  Most strata managers will require a couple of days grace to compile the agenda, especially for a large scheme.

              The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                I don’t understand the question but the laws relating to votes required to approve a motion/resolution haven’t changed.  Ordinary resolution – simple majority.  Special resolution – 75%.

                BONNIE L

                  Thanks very much Jimmie. That’s straight now.  I know a bit more about where I stand. 

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