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  • #9238

      is strata manager required to email minutes of Exec meeting requested by owner or can they refuse on grounds the minutes will be posted on the notice board.

      I am an owner who lives hundreds of kms away from the unit so I cannot view the notice board.  I would have thought I have a right to have exec committee minutes emailed to me.


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    • #20311

        Notwithstanding common sense, it depends on the number of lots in your Strata Scheme and whether (or not) your Owners Corporation (O/C) has adopted or is bound by virtue of its date of registration (i.e. post 1996) to By-Law 18 requiring it to have and maintain a Notice Board.

        Executive Committees of Schemes having >100 lots are required within 7 days of a Meeting to send a copy of its Minutes to each Owner and to place a copy of those Minutes on the O/C Notice Board, whereas Schemes having <100 Lots are only required to place a copy of those Minutes on the Notice Board where one exists or otherwise to send a copy to each Owner.

        So I’m guessing by your post that your Scheme has less than 100 Lots and that your O/C has / maintains a Notice Board, in which case your Strata Manager is correct and has absolutely no common sense, and you’ll need to ask a Member of your Committee or another resident Owner to e-mail / snail mail you copies of Meeting Minutes.


          Schemes having <100 Lots are only required to place a copy of those Minutes on the Notice Board where one exists or otherwise to send a copy to each Owner.

          I’m going to split hairs here and say the above scheme only has to post the minutes if there is a by-law in place requiring the provision of a noticeboard. here’s what the Act says:

          16 Display of minutes

          (4)  Within 7 days after the executive committee of a strata scheme that is not a large strata scheme passes a resolution in accordance with this Schedule, the executive committee must:

          (a)  cause a copy of the minute of the resolution to be displayed on the notice board, or

          (b)  if the owners corporation is not required by the by-laws to maintain a notice board, give each owner and executive committee member a copy of the minute of the resolution.

          Otherwise, Whale is absolutely correct (as ever) especially in regard to the strata manager being a nincompoop. 

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            Not wishing to split another hair, but ….

            …it depends on the number of lots in your Strata Scheme and whether (or not) your Owners Corporation (O/C) has adopted or is bound by virtue of its date of registration (i.e. post 1996/) to By-Law 18 requiring it to have and maintain a Notice Board. 


              SmileSmile Before the next Annual General Meeting write to the strata manager and request that the following motion be added to the meeting notice agenda – “That all Executive Committee Meeting Notices and Minutes be posted or emailed to all owners”. When buildings under 100 owners are undertaking major building works and raising significant levies it is a great way to communicate what’s happening.



                Whale, yes indeed, you had the noticeboard issue covered in your post.

                I’m coining  new word … ‘argree’. It’s when you think you’re arguing with someone when in fact you’re agreeing with them.

                And regarding LV’s motion to the next general meeting, posting minutes has a cost component that emailing doesn’t, especially when you add in the printing, folding and licking of envelopes. I would simply amend it to instructing the strata manager to send out minutes by email if requested by owners.

                The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                  yes whale you’re right – <100 units and there is a notice board. so its a rock and a hard place.

                  Exec Committee members are unlikely to send me the minutes – there is a small cabal in place and others on Exec are passive, possibly scared of the power brokers, and unlikely to respond. And since I don’t live there, I also don’t have much of a chance as part of normal daily routines to run into them. I have met a couple of owners not on the Exec who would email me but if they’re not on the Exec, they won’t have copies to send if the only copies of the minutes are hard copies pinned under glass on the notice board. 

                  L-V ‘s idea to put up a motion is good. But it’s likely the strata manager (who holds a lot of control of the meetings, chairs them, has a lot to say and interrupts owners) plus the Exec (who are hard to replace as they have addresses of investor owners and therefore can get all the proxies) will vote against it. would we then be worse off I wonder?

                  Minutes were email to me previously on request but both the strata manager and the cabal in Exec have become more and more non-transparent. 

                  I can’t believe that as an owner I don’t have the right to obtain these for my records. Some of the decision affect me and the wording is often critical – like political spin!

                  Thanks so much for your help and clarifying. But I must say I feel defeated.


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