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my problem is slightly similar to the guy with the noisy lift problem. there’s a 44 years old extraction system in a block of townhouses in which I own 1 unit out of 9. although the fans/motors only have a lifespan of 20 years and this was 18 years old when I purchased my lot and I know it hasn’t been serviced between 1994 and 2018 the OC want to reconnect it. It hasn’t even been used in the 25 years I’ve owned lot 1 and another owner said it hadn’t been used in the 38 years she’d been an owner.
They disconnected the 3 phase that ran it in 2011 and removed the wiring to the system. when I found from north Sydney council it was part of the da the oc reconnected it against the wishes of north Sydney council in 2018. They got into my garage on the pretext of gaining a report for all owners although I didn’t get a copy and then reconnected the system in feb 2019.
if they’re allowed to get away with it i’ll have noise pollution as the fan/motor is actually within my lot ie attached to my garage ceiling beneath my living room and not shown on any strata plan and the smoke stack in my courtyard which is marked as common property only just over 1.7m from my living area and the current standard is over 6m.
council told the oc to install a new system or upgrade the old one but the oc are spending as much on legal fees as a new system to try and keep the old system which would render my property uninhabitable by way of noise and CO2 pollution. apparently council has no legislation over stratas. surely an oc can’t get away with polluting my property – help please
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