Paula, I tried to look at this issue in terms of a dispute between a managing agent and the OC. The below is my view only:
In terms of pure legalities and in the absence of a dispute, the roles of the managing agent depends upon the terms of the appointment. In short the Act uses the words “The instrument of appointment”, which is probably best defined by the contract the OC signs.
Basically the interplay of powers/roles are outlaid in sections 28 and 29 of STRATA SCHEMES MANAGEMENT ACT 1996.
Interestingly sections (2) and (6) of section 28 provides that:
(2) An owners corporation may, if authorised to do so by a resolution at a general meeting, revoke a delegation under this section
(6) Despite any delegation made under this section, the owners corporation may continue to exercise all or any of the functions delegated
My reading of the above is that a strata manager can’t override, or prohibit, an OC from making decisions for the respective roles just because they have a contract.
It would appear then that the chairperson, secretary and treasurer can do as little or as much of the roles as the OC wants them to even if there is a managing agent.
In practice, unless the managing agent was found wanting in certain areas the OC should/would let the managing agent perform what they were engaged to do.